I’m sorting out my books after unpacking – I have no Internet yet – (1) when my eyes fell on Zen Lessons: The Art of Leadership. In it I read Master Yuantong’s description of a noble man:
“This man is true to the middle way, not biased or dependent. Whether active or at rest, he is noble and dignified. Furthermore, in his study of the Way [the Tao] his actions are correct, and his words are simple yet logically complete. Whenever people have endowments like this, seldom do they fail to become vessels of enlightenment.” (2)
What difference does it make to say it this way in the Tenth Century or to say it the way we do today?
I went to write out how we might say it today and discovered that I couldn’t improve a word of it. He said it perfectly.
And all of us, I assert, by the impact of the cleansing energies being sent our way at present are also evolving into noble and dignified men and women. We really are. Slowly and gradually.
Picture this. We’ve all cleansed ourselves of our core issues over so many years, while being bathed in various, very powerful energies. (3)
We’re achieving a degree of balance, what Yuantong calls “the middle way”: The avoidance of extremes, dispassion, the senses quietening down, the mind becoming still.
We’re seeing our own self-servingness (our biases) and simply acknowledging it. Can I run my self-serving story by you one more time? Please? Good for a laugh.
And we’re no longer clinging (dependent). We all got it. Death is not the end. Most of us are angels and we’ll go back to that realm once we’re done here.
The celestials whom we serve are looking after us, if we’ll only ask.
And just through the passage of time in this evolving environment we’re part of, we’ll ascend. The tipping point was passed long ago. Everyone in their seats is on for the ride.
Therefore, there’s no reason to fear. There’s no reason to cling.
We’re taking a slow and gradual elevator to heaven. “Heaven” in early-Christian literature referred to the Fifth Dimension.
Our bodies are changing from carbon to crystal. A dozen strands of DNA are coming online.
Our telepathic and other powers will be returning at some point. Our memory of who we are will come back.
Our environment will respond malleably to our thoughts and wishes. We’ll create what we need by thinking it into existence. There’ll be no use for money and we’ll only eat as a social pastime.
Having entered “heaven” or the Fifth Dimension, we need no longer go back to the Third. If we were discussing the matter fifty years ago, I might say, having achieved mukti or liberation, we no longer need to be reborn into the physical world. Same thing.
The culmination of our Ascension is a stage of enlightenment that Ramana Maharshi calls “Sahaja Samadhi,” our natural state. Once a sage has reached that state, s/he is not reborn into this world.
He called it Sahaja. We call it Ascension. Again, same thing.
The chance to ascend at the end of a round of yugas or ages is well known. The Bible called it the Rapture, Salvation, being made a pillar in the temple and going no more out.
There’s much that’s the same between our accounts and the ancients’ and much that’s different.
But the fundamental truth that everyone is looking at never changes and is the same for everyone. (4)
(1) I’m a few days behind in scheduling, as you can see.
(2) “A Vessel of Enlightenment” in Thomas Cleary, Trans., Zen Lessons. The Art of Leadership. Boston: Shmaballa, 1989, 3.
(3) Some of these come directly from the Mother (the Tsunami of Love and the Tsunami of One) and some of them are added by higher-dimensional and intergalactic civilizations (Porlana C, of instance).
So we’ve been bathing in rosewater while having our insides miraculously renewed. The renewal takes the form of raising the emotional floor every time we go through a wave of energy.
(4) We might do well to favour that which never changes.