Steve is safely moved in and will report in in a couple of days
I’m magnetically being drawn inward, into the stillness these days.
In my meditation, I tell myself to go into the stillness and everything I’m attached to drops like a rock.
I’m not surprised. I asked last night for the maximum dose of Porlana C available and allowable to those wearing a human body. This may be the result of it.
I have only to take a breath into the stillness to have it arise around me.
Over the past few months, beginning around September, I began establishing myself in the inner world.
At the very moment when I became aware that this was what I had done, I was shown the notice of a smashing upcoming conference, which I must now turn down or retreat from this space.
I may live to regret it but my vision is firmly anchored inwards. And I have to resist the tendency to want to apologize for what is a conscious choice.
My goal is bliss. The bliss I lived on for three months in 2015 was my introduction. I’m convinced. The form of love that we call “bliss” is definitely worth selling all that I have for and buying that field.
For me, it’s the pearl of great price, the mustard seed that grows into a great tree, the big fish among fish.
I could have said the Light of Consciousness (the Christ, the Atman) was or Beingness or any other part of the same elephant. (1)
For me, the path to the goal and the destination itself is Bliss, ever-deepening, but now I want it everlasting.
And, no, that doesn’t mean that I dance around like a madman. In fact for me it means simply sitting here peacefully and watching life unfold around me.
As I watch, I notice that bliss and stillness cohabit. They come together naturally and go well together. I have no idea of their relationship. They seem to be the most fertile ground for the other to grow in. The eternity breath I’m sure reflects their relationship. The ouroboros as well.
What that means right now – and it may be the same for the foreseeable future – is I’m cocooning. I suppose this is what it looks like. Years ago, I’d have called it “meditation” or “going inward,” but in today’s terms we call it “cocooning.”
There’s nothing more worthwhile to me at the moment than following stillness back to bliss, following the breadcrumb trail back to the forest’s edge.
I know. I know. There’s a hurricane blowing outside. Oh my Gawd, yes, I hear the howling.
But we already know the outcome. The forces of hate and fear-mongering will not succeed and the sooner we withdraw our attention from them, the better. Meanwhile the servants of the Divine Mother are destined to succeed and they’re building rather than tearing down.
I’d be of no use to anyone in handling this hurricane. It consumes people by bogging them down in parry and thrust. I say that as if I could wrench my attention from the goal it appears to be seeking. I don’t believe I can. And I can be of great use exploring this alternative pathway.
I’m also not prepared any more to be enrolled in the hurricane’s agenda. I’m not prepared to add my passion to their passion and inflame the both of us.
I alone set my agenda and I’m being drawn inward.
That doesn’t change my mission as a communicator. This part of the journey is about the impact of the combined energies. I assume I’ll share this part of the journey as I would any other part.
(1) Three blind men were asked to describe an elephant. One touched the leg and said “The elephant is massive, like the trunk of a tree.” The other touched the ear and said “The elephant is a wave in form, an undulating energy.” The third touched the tail and said “The elephant is a shaft of energy, like a snake.” God at the highest levels of existence is Bliss, Love, Consciousness, Light. At our level God is all of us.