I’m moving today and wanted to repost an excellent discussion from Matthew Ward on the nature of light.
I don’t think I’ve read as wide-ranging or informative a discussion contextualizing so many things that we study.
Notice his contention that carbon-based bodies have DNA containing electrons and crystalline bodies have DNA containing photons.
Now we shall do our best to comply with the request that we give “a simple scientific explanation of light and how it affects a civilization.” Light, which is the same energy as love, is the essence of Creator, Source of everything in existence. Light is the most powerful force in the cosmos, the entirety of consciousness, the ingredient of souls, and the life force of every living entity. Even the peak of the dark forces has a spark of light; otherwise, it would not exist.
Light comes into this universe through its Supreme Being, whom you may call God, Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh or any other name; and everything is universally connected by and within this energy. Therefore spirit, which is considered faith, and science, which is considered fact, are one and the same: light fluctuating at one frequency or another.
But let us return to the Beginnings of all life throughout the cosmos. Creator’s first expression of Itself created the Christed realm and the first souls, the archangels. The realm itself and the archangels are pure light. At an unknown time, Creator endowed the archangels with the gift of free will and its companion, the power of manifestation—that is, they could use Creator’s energy to make whatever they imagined, and in their first co-creational process, they made the next level of angels and gods and goddesses. Those souls also were pure light.
At some point the archangels had the idea of making physical forms for souls who desired it—that was the origin of DNA and the elements of bodies’ “building blocks.” Within the DNA were photons, which continuously absorb and radiate the light that produces bodies with crystalline cells that contain cosmic consciousness and have the ability to live in the vibrations of the highest celestial planes.
Eventually some souls whose negative deeds dropped them from the light used their free will to downgrade the DNA of newer, less-experienced civilizations. The changes made dense bodies with DNA containing electrons, which have much less light and vibrate at much lower frequencies than photons. The reduction in light caused corresponding reductions in those civilizations’ consciousness, brain functioning and life span. They lost all knowledge of their Beginnings, their weakened bodies were vulnerable to disease, and their temperaments included fear and all of its negative byproducts like cruelty, greed, anger, lust for power, unjustness, impoverishment, divisiveness and hatred—hatred is not the opposite of love, it is the absence of love, or light. Those are the conditions of third-density civilizations.
It is not that no bodies on Earth have photons, and an unimaginable quantity is in the atmosphere. But electrons are dominant in the vast majority of your populace—that is why they are lagging in awakening spiritually and consciously—and throughout your world—that is why you have electric and electronic appliances and pay to use them instead of having photons’ “free” energy. The way to ascend into planes where photons outnumber electrons is by increasing the amount of light in the collective consciousness.
Energy is neutral. It is the thought forms that get attached to energy streamers that are positive—with light—or negative—without light. The forms are created by every being’s thoughts, feelings and actions, and collectively those determine a civilization’s density, or spiritual and conscious evolvement status. That is one universal definition of density; the other is mass or the location of a mass, and the two don’t necessarily go together. That is why Earth, a fifth-density soul spiritually and consciously, can be in the initial stages of fourth-density location-wise and most of her people are at third-density evolvement status. Animals and plants are absorbing more light than most of humankind; at this moment, the light in people varies from brilliant to just enough to keep bodies alive.
Now then, every person and every thing in your world emits vibrations in consonance with each form’s consciousness level, and that is determined by the amount of light in each. The atoms in inanimate objects—say a pebble, football, nail and chair—have minimal consciousness; exceptions are crystals and gold, which have a high degree. The consciousness level of soil is higher than objects and so is that of slugs, worms and short-lived insects; higher on the scale are the species of insects that have a well-developed hierarchy and clearly-defined working system within it. (Matthew’s Message, Aug 3, 2014.)