We may sometimes ask ourselves how our guides work with us.
I’ve been watching one way mine work with me for a few months now. Our guides seem to insert a word or phrase in our minds. I once confirmed they were doing it with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon.
Steve Beckow: Who is inspiring me?
Archangel Michael: We are all inspiring you but that particular inspiration came through St. Germaine, my friend.
SB: Well, it was so subtle. At first I thought it was a thought that I had and then I said to myself, “I don’t have any knowledge about energy bubbles!” So it was the first time I was aware that somebody else must’ve given me that thought. (1)
Today I was walking behind a woman in such oversized rainboots that she fairly trundled along like a….
I was just about to let fly with my judgement when I heard a voice say: “I don’t care for my judgments any more.”
And that comment fit right into a space that was available that I didn’t even know existed.
It resonated with a part of me that I wasn’t even familiar with yet.
I allowed that part to expand.
It opened into a tremendously peaceful space within myself. It’s perhaps an hour after this first happened and still, when I take in a deep breath, I open onto the same space of deep peace.
I was overwhelmingly impressed by the quality of this peace I was experiencing. I searched for bliss in this space, but saw that peace, as a substantial presence, occupied all of it. I was obviously there to learn something about peace.
Having sat with this space for a few minutes, I’d say it’s a space of more peace than I’ve ever yet known.
It doesn’t come with a user’s manual, so I’d have to guess that this episode is designed to show me that letting go of judgments is a doorway in to inner peace. That’s what I conclude from it.
I’m going back into the experience of peace, to explore it more.
No judgment, no desire = peace. No “I” that judges or “wants” that require fulfiment = peace.
By following the prompting of my guidance, I’ve now been led to a deep experience of peace. I’d say the system of guidance works.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 12, 2016.