We are here, joining you once again in this manner, as we observe the events that are unfolding in your dimension. We can affirm and assure you that you are living in exceptional times.
You are being challenged as well as reminded that you are here on special assignment. You are here to truly seed and anchor the new reality that will come forth from the chaos and limitations that you are witnessing.
We understand that all that is transpiring has triggered many of your worst considerations and fears. Be aware when you focus on your fears that you are feeding the very things and outcomes that you fear.
Energy follows thought. You generate and offer powerful energy with each thought, especially when it is infused with your passion and emotions. Consider for a moment that your thought/emotional energy joins other thought/emotional energy that is similar in nature.
Now you have collective consciousness holding an energetic pattern that is imprinting the quantum field of all possibilities. Then, with alarm, you witness your very fears manifesting.
Understanding this principal and this powerful creative force, you can begin to offer a different focus. You are being invited and encouraged to support life-sustaining outcomes and realities. You are here to assist in the powerful shift in humanity’s consciousness. You are here to be a significant part in lifting up the collective mind-set.
Humanity has been in a trance, a trance in which they believe they are powerless. They are unaware that they are beyond this one dimension. They believe the projection of separation. They are unaware that they are an unlimited multidimensional being.
From our observation, most earth walkers use their divine creative power upside down and backwards. They place their focus on the very things they do not want. They worry about not enough, and live out that reality, totally unaware that their constant thoughts and emotional stress projected onto the quantum field of all possibilities attracts “not enough.”
You are a magnificent multidimensional being. You are pure energy who happens to be hosted in a physical form, a body. You body-mind has been programmed with limiting ideas and beliefs. We invite you to remember that you are here in this NOW to transform all those limitations that are offered by 3D. You are here to transform all misqualified energies that you encounter. Shake off any discouragement.
You are an alchemist. You are a change agent. You are the way-shower. It does not matter how your physical life appears, you are powerful beyond measure. Continue to own this realization and step into and empower your focused intentions.
We acknowledge you as you shift the very things that are dysfunctional. We acknowledge you as you call forth and anchor a new reality, a reality of oneness, a reality that honors everyone as the divine presence that they are.
You are also a conscious portal or doorway for divine being of love and light to enter this dense 3D reality. It is by your invitation that these loving conscious beings can enter this free will reality. So now is the time to begin to invite. Call upon all divine, celestial, galactic, inter-dimensional, elemental, angelic and conscious beings from the non-physical realms of love, light and truth.
Remember, when you call upon and invite these conscious beings of light and love they join you and their energy and presence will follow your focus. You focus on some situation, event or tragedy and invoke their support. Their presence will follow your focus.
You can also shift your experience concerning the media. Practice news homework or as we like to call it, news heart work. Read your papers or watch the news that is being broadcast and rather than being triggered or enraged, pause and focus on one headline or event and invite divine beings to minister to this event or this tragedy.
We can assure you if this were a daily practice of more and more awakened beings, your news stories would shift very quickly. Remember that the collective is focusing on what is wrong, what is not working, and this collective is empowering and feeding the very reality that they oppose, the very reality that alarms.
You can invite divine beings to touch and inspire the hearts and minds of those who are receptive, with ideas to create methods to clean the oceans or secure clean energy or find the cure for some illness or dis-ease. Remember there are no limitations here.
Imagine if everyone reading these words began to practice being the inviter and forming a conscious and working partnership with the divine realms of love, light and truth in the 5th and beyond dimensions, what awesome results would manifest in this 3D reality.
These beings in the higher dimensional frequencies are awaiting your invitation.
Your planet is in chaos as it is undergoing a powerful transformation and ascension process. You are a part of this transformation and ascension process. You truly understand all that we have shared today.
Continue to expand your own personal consciousness. Remember to say to yourself often, “I am aware that I am aware,” and anchor this awareness with appreciation and gratitude. This very action causes a shift to the 5th state and you will begin to notice that you are looking at this reality from a different viewpoint and perspective. The dysfunction of what you observe will not trigger a sense of anger, fear, powerlessness or helplessness within your field.
Being in this state of being aware that you are aware will truly support you in anchoring and seeding a world that is life sustaining. In this state of awareness and in true partnership with divine, celestial, galactic, inter-dimensional, elemental, angelic and conscious beings from the non-physical realms of love light and truth, you will collectively transform the consciousness of this reality.
We honor your willingness, your courage and your dedication to this transformation and upliftment for all. We offer our support, love and deep gratitude as you anchor a reality of oneness. We are complete.
the ‘team’
©2016 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available.
“‘The Team’: You Are a Conscious Inviter and Portal,” Channeled by Peggy Black, December 13, 2016, at www.morningmessages.com