I find myself in the difficult position of answering email after email following the posting of a recent channeled message on the Reval.
Will you accept this article please, rather than requiring an individual response? Thank you.
A channel has alleged that the Reval is a strategy of the dark and that money from the sale of currency goes to underwrite black ops.
We’re encouraged to divest ourselves of our currency (don’t you dare, unless you send it to the Hope Chest).
It’s said that the Reval is blocking NESARA and that there is no GESARA.
AND, to top it off, if you engage in the Reval, you’ll be disqualified from NESARA and risk losing your life.
Whoa! What have we got here?
The Reval is part of everything bad. Get rid of your currency or die. That about captures it.
Now contrast that with the message of the Company of Heaven, that the Reval is the beginning of a wave of abundance, and that lightworkers are being given the opportunity to serve as some of the Divine Mother’s stewards, getting abundance out to the people of the planet. Why? To build Nova Earth, a world that works for everyone.
Which wolf will you feed?
I don’t enjoy stating my disagreement with a channel but, in a very few cases, a message cannot pass by without appropriate comment. I consider it part of my job. Allow me to comment here please.
My book, Financial-Wayshowing-and-Stewardship-R12.pdf, may also provide the information needed to assess these allegations.
Is It of Love?
How do we look at a message like this?
Read the message carefully and note the language. Is it of love?
Only higher-dimensional sources can come from the kind of love (what I call transformative love and Jesus called “real love”) that saturates every word. (1)
The Company of Heaven does this when their words come through a clear and dharmic channel.
Now read any message by Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon and compare them. Show me a passage that is NOT of love, if you can. Look at and savor the difference between the two “channeled” messages.
Which future do you wish to create and live into?
Messages which contain fear-mongering are probably not … undoubtedly not … from the Company of Heaven. And this message has struck a lot of fear in a great number of lightworkers.
I don’t believe the message in question came from the Company of Heaven, any more than the message last week that said the ascended masters might pack their bags and go home because we weren’t moving fast enough. Are we being played?
Link the “Good” to the “Bad”
I’m not saying that the channel is a psy ops agent. Probably the person is not. But they may have been tampered with.
I believe that channels are being tampered with right now. I suspect that the CIA section still run by the cabal may be interfering with them, in the same way that TV news anchors a few years back were being tampered with. They suddenly broke out in uncontrollable jibberish on the air, victims of an alphabet agency’s manipulations.
To find out, the channel might want to contact another channel of repute and ask for help.
But restricting ourselves to psy ops as practiced in the intelligence community (as if I know very much about that), it’s a common tactic to take something “good” and link it up to something “bad.”
Here we have the Reval, the greatest blessing to humanity in millennia, save for the birth of folks like Jesus and Buddha, and someone has linked it up to the dark.
The money that we spent on currency is being funneled into black ops by the dark side, it’s alleged. (Who makes this stuff up?)
I estimate that all the money lightworkers spent on purchasing currency is too small to attract the attention of the dark side under any circumstances. It wouldn’t buy toilet seats for an aircraft carrier (at today’s inflated prices).
It’s the return on investment that will definitely get the cabal’s attention and prove impossible for them to overcome.
Linking a “good” like the Reval with a “bad” like the dark side’s black ops certainly caused cognitive dissonance in me. Stirred things up immediately.
The version in question goes on to allege that the Reval was the brainchild of Hillary Clinton, again associating “good” with (excuse me) “bad.”
Propagating such a version of events would only perpetuate the status quo. That version doesn’t have a chance of surviving and succeeding, while our creative vision and version does.
Many more disaster messages may come our way as the rising energies raise all our craziness to the surface. We need to put them aside and keep going. After all, we’re involved in a peaceful, global revolution.
Michael described how it proceeds on all levels – spiritual, emotional, mental, physical and all the levels that I know nothing about.
It cannot be anything but a revolution of light and love. Nothing else will succeed in these times and places. We need to keep pushing through into that other dimension of love, bliss, and joy and leave behind the attempts to keep us small, enslaved, and miserable.
Remember what Casey said in Tomorrowland: Which wolf will we feed?
The wolf of accusation and blame, fear and paralysis, or the wolf of building a world that works? I know which one I’m feeding. And I know that what I do after the Reval – and the same could be said for you – will make an immense difference and offer a few templates to the world.
So stay the course. And, channel, get some help.
You can stop here if you wish. But if you choose to go on, let’s look at what the Company of Heaven has said about the Reval.
(1) “It is very easy … to forget about love – the weak faint image of real Love that is all that you can experience as a human.” I think Jesus meant “as a third-dimensional human.” Real love can be experienced but that experience is rare among the population. When we have it for a brief instant, we consider ourselves to have had a spiritual experience.
Jesus added on another occasion: “I would like to impress upon you that loving from the soul is not emotional love.” (“Jeshua: Teaching Your Parents,” channeled by Pamela Kribbe, August 6, 2013 at https://www.jeshua.net.) No, real love is not the kind of emotional love we normally accept – chemistry, attraction, liking, caring, etc. Real love is much, much more intense than that and much more transformative.
What Does the Company of Heaven Say about the Reval?
What’s the Reval about?
In my view, it’s intended to give lightworkers the opportunity to take the lead in building Nova Earth. It’s designed to take power away from the dark by enriching lightworker leaders who’ve agreed to serve as financial wayshowers and stewards of the Mother’s wealth in the matter of irrigating the planet and its citizens, ahead of NESARA.
Archangel Michael has spoken to us a lot about it. He states the purpose of the Reval here:
“Let us be clear. This is a reorganization not only of the financial systems, the global financial systems, the power structures of your planet in terms of haves and have nots.
“And for nation states, of which there are many involved … it is not simply Vietnam in this situation … but the nation states affected by this shift have need to feel that they are in a place of security.
“Now let us go back. In most of these nation states, in fact the power structure … and I am not simply talking about Illuminati or cabal or dark forces …. I am talking about the substructure and the structure or your nation states and of your societies, a given and until very recently when Gaia has shifted, an acceptable given was the belief and therefore the very protracted and grounded reality of greed, of control, of entitlement.
“We could go on. So what this restructuring, this reset of currencies – think of it that way because of course many of you are emotionally and spiritually invested in this undertaking – what you are really invested in is the reorganization, the reset, of the global value systems that are based on the knowing of Gaia’s wealth and abundance, the wealth of your star brothers and sisters, accessibility, allowance, the ability to receive. The concept of lack is simply absurd so you are resetting the entire mindset of these nation states.” (1)
When I first started to buy currency, I did so under the direction of Michael. I wish I could find that reading the day I told him I had just bought some currency. He was jubilant at that act of faith.
Here’s his response to the first time I discussed the matter on the blog and encouraged readers to buy Vietnamese Dong: (2)
Steve Beckow: A lot of readers have taken up my invitation, which I made just once on the blog, to purchase Vietnamese currency. So now we have a large group of people who probably are listening to this broadcast and hoping you’ll say something about the progress of the global currency reset. So could we start with that please?
Archangel Michael: Well, first of all I commend you all for stepping forward in faith, trust, and in the knowing in what for some of you is a very complicated action and what in truth is a very simple action of creation and trust and it is in that action that you are also contributing to the shift in your world and to the creation of the new world. (3)
We’re part of the shift, not part of black operations.
We are, he tells us, stewards of the Divine Mother’s abundance and that abundance has need to be shared.
In fact, if truth be known, the CoH, I think, wants there to be as many outlets for abundance as possible – and we are some of them.
Pay it forward. Pay it backward. Just irrigate society. Or, as he says, “share.”
Archangel Michael: What I say to you, whether you have inherited money, whether you have earned money by the sweat of your brow, whether you have won the lottery, or whether you have invested in currency, it matters not. Whether you have been a recipient of one of the prosperity funds — and there are many of you who have [signed up for it] — the point is to share. (4)
He asks us to think in terms of stewardship.
Archangel Michael: We want you, and, when we say you, we mean all of you, to think of money in terms of stewardship.
Steve: So that is the overarching concept?
AAM: This is the overarching principle. …
What money is used for is so that a person, a group, an individual, an institution, an entire community, an entire planet can step forward without worry, without that fear which is so pervasive upon your planet, to create!
So think of money as a creation tool. And if it is not creating, if it is simply being thrown down the drain or being maintained in a way that is not creative, then it is not doing its job. (5)
He tells us that “you are gifted with this blessing because you are honoured, you are cherished, you are valued, and you are loved. Turn to us as we turn to you, as the gatekeepers, as the pillars, as the way showers, as the builders of Nova Earth/Terra Gaia.” (6)
Doesn’t listening to those words cause a stirring in your heart? If it does, then choose which version you want to allow to settle into your mind and become your future view. I have no problem deciding.
So don’t be fooled – on this occasion or on another occasion. Remain calm and stay on course. The Reval is taking time but it’s real and it’s coming and it will revolutionize life on the planet for … I don’t know … many? Most? All?
When it does come, it will be the end of the cabal’s monopoly of power. If the message in question has been tampered with, it demonstrates how the cabal is trying to ward off the eventuality of the dam breaking and abundance being released.
I’d suggest watching out for other messages like this and dropping them when you see where they’re headed. That’s what I do.
To channels, if you find yourself giving a message that sounds too far away from your normal style and content to accept happily, pause before sending it out. No one is immune from being tampered with.
You can get a copy of Financial-Wayshowing-and-Stewardship-R12.pdf here.
(1) “Archangel Michael’s Counsel on the Reval” in Financial Wayshowing and Stewardship R12, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Financial-Wayshowing-and-Stewardship-R12.pdf, 15.
(2) I suggested the Vietnamese Dong because it was a publicly-traded currency. Anyone unhappy with their purchase could resell it for most of their original value.
(3) “Archangel Michael’s Counsel on the Reval,” ibid., 14.
(4) “Archangel Michael on Financial Wayshowing,” ibid., p. 11.
(5) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 6, 2016.
(6) Ibid., Oct. 21, 2015.