I can see a time when our global society “returns to normal.”
Can you imagine the impact that would have on us?
To leave the house and not lock the door? I can remember when we did.
Everything delivered to your front porch and never stolen. Lock your bike? No. Why?
That was normal and, as a fact of life, it resided in the background of our everyday consciousness, totally unnoticed.
Just think of everything that’s happened since then. An increase in the incidence of theft and fraud, increased drug use causing more and more houses to be broken into, any bicycle left unlocked in danger of being stolen, bags lifted, credit cards duplicated, identities stolen.
Think of each of these developments as adding a modicum of fear to the mind. Each year we imbibed – and lived in – more and more fear.
And that causes a protective response in us. We increasingly withdraw from normal and natural exchanges with our world.
We’re in a bunker, behind locked doors, buried deep inside our head. We operate strictly at the informational or intellectual level of life.
We give information on what we like and don’t like. Information on how to make or save money. Information correcting other information so we get to be right or look good. All we deal in is a rather dry form of informational exchange and then we wonder why life is so boring and we’re convinced that it can’t get any better. (1)
Almost all of what we think of as “me” is a facade, a mask, a construction. I’m protecting the real me behind smoke screens and shell games and sleight of hand. You may as well call me the Artful Dodger.
But the refining energies hitting us now won’t let us hide out in our mental bunkers any longer. We’re in the refinery, the cauldron, the smelter.
The Divine Mother, the transcendental realms, galactic-solar civilizations, and others are sending us energy that’s refining us – raising our vibration and shaking out the impurities as it does so.
We’re in an interim, transitional, or middle time, a time of ascending. We’re travelling the vibrational distance between Earth and Heaven and it’s marked by what can often feel like purging, cleansing, purifying, or refining.
I like to think of it as a wet sponge being wrung dry. But we can also think of it as us being refined in the fire/light/love of the incoming energetic waves.
Sometimes it feels as if my personality is being blown off, piece by piece, by a wind gun. And my natural response is to grab the pieces as they fly by and try to keep myself together.
But the wiser response seems to be to let myself go. Whatever flies off from me was not me in the first place. I’m what’s left, the residuum, the default.
The apparent object of this phase of ascending is to produce something that’s 100% – or purely – us. With nothing added and nothing taken away. Just our normal, natural selves – sahaja (natural).
That which we added to ourselves – our numbers, poses, looks, etc. – we’re going to lose.
That which we deprived ourselves of – self-esteem, love, approval, etc. – we’re going to regain.
All the refining will do is restore us to the “normality” of the divine design and the “naturalness” of our own native innocence.
But not just us. Everyone who chooses to stay on the Ascension train.
I can’t wait to return to the time when no doors were locked and no one would think of stealing something from somebody else.
The return of that day will take us one giant step closer to a world that works for everyone.
When I feel like groaning and grumbling because of all the smelting and refining, I need to remember what the finished product will look, feel, and act like. And if I can’t wait that long, then simply let go and sink down into naturalness and normality. Same new model.
(1) Above the informational or intellectual domain lies the experiential or ontological domain – the domain of experience and being. Here we weave into our shares how we feel and what our experience is at that moment.
Above this domain lies the realizational. I have visited it but I’m not sure what it’d be like to live in that domain.