I’ve known since 1976 that, when stress increases, awareness decreases.
Like Len Satov, (1) I attach a value to awareness that some may not. I see awareness as, not neutral, as is the current majority view, but as dissolutive. Let something rest in one’s awareness, as Len described, and it slowly dissolves.
That’s why sages say: “This too shall pass.” They have certainty that, if we rest in bare awareness of an unwanted condition like anger, it will pass.
When awareness decreases as stress increases, the irony is that we’re not aware of awareness decreasing. Stress is not easily detected in the moment because of its dampening, cancelling, or nullifying effect on awareness. The result is that we’re less aware and unaware that we’re less aware.
This is not an academic discussion. I’m keenly aware that I’m about to enter a time of rapidly-increased stress after the Reval. And it’s up to me to find ways of handling it. Vital at some point, the sooner the better.
Here’s an example of one way to lower stress.
I had an interesting exchange with Archangel Michael recently (Sept. 2, 2016) in my periodic readings with him through Linda Dillon. He gave me certainty around a major piece of a puzzle I was faced with – which I can’t discuss! And I noticed that, when I felt certain about the matter in question, my stress level went down.
That’s probably why the growth movement stressed certainty in communication – no hiding, no blocking, no back doors. When I’m certain, my stress level goes down. When I’m uncertain, all kinds of fears surface and my stress level goes up.
If I want to abstract from my experience, I’d say that stress varies inversely with certainty. When certainty goes up, stress level goes down.
Meanwhile, awareness varies directly with certainty. When certainty goes up, level of awareness goes up.
Managing this next bit without totally succumbing to stress, especially as an introvert monk, is going to be an adventure. One I signed up for, but a heck of a ride nonetheless.
(1) “Len Satov: The Watcher: Loving, Non-Judgmental Awareness,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=280859