What leads to what?
In my opinion, Perro leads to Saedor.
Perro is a form of galactic speaking developed after the intergalactic wars to establish the truth of a matter without straying into emotions. It’s plain and neutral speaking of the truth – just the facts, ma’am.
Saedor is the language of love, spoken from a place of universal, transformative love. Although it may be triggered by thoughts of a loved one, it itself is a flow (coming up from the heart) that takes in everyone.
Real love cannot be cribbed or confined. It has to flow. While a burst of love can be channeled, say, to one’s self, the flow of love it’s a part of cannot be stopped up or contained. It cannot be restricted to some and not to others.
Linda Dillon described Saedor this way:
“Saedor (say-door) is communication that is heart centered and balanced and comes from a knowing of Truth. It contains allowance for emotion, factual information and collective or personal history or experience (causal body) but is based on the tacit agreement of both speaker(s) and listener(s) that the intent is to share, express, exchange, and grow in the mutuality of understanding. Saedor is what you think of as heart-centered or heart-conscious communication. It is the language of universal Love, which acknowledges the sanctity of every being and the sacredness of the gift of language.” (1)
Balanced and heart-centered are the same. The heart is the center and can only be experienced by one who is perfectly balanced – in the center.
Being that centered would be, I believe (not like I know), an open sesame to the heart. An open heart is what we want and, by those words, I mean a particular condition. The obstacle which keeps most people’s hearts closed needs to be removed. I don’t know how one would do that.
But this heart-centered consciousness and communication that Linda is describing is all leading up to the individual experiencing a flow of transformative love from their own heart, after that heart “opens.” (2)
In my experience, speaking Perro leads to speaking Saedor.
Jesus defines Perro for us.
“Perro is language with no charge or emotion attached. Perro is the language of simply information. Some of you may think of this as non-violent communication, but in a spectrum, non-violent communication is actually further along. Perro simply means, ‘The facts, ma’am, nothing but the facts!’ And so that is how you tend to communicate. (3)
Consistently speaking Perro has two elements to it: (A) Stating the facts (B) from a neutral place, without spin, without intent to harm.
Even the truth or facts can be discussed in a manner that causes harm – casts an aspersion, ridicules, mocks, undermines. The truth can be used for malevolent purposes. Many dictators have.
I resonate when I hear the pure truth spoken about a situation, without intent to spin, manipulate or harm. I look upon it as the kind of communication that the fewest number of people might take exception to. They might if they were a mob, or something like that, but under normal cirumstances the truth seems to appeal to something in people, to strike a chord.
Or maybe it’s how people look who speak the truth or how they speak.
Some people may resist the truth but that’s something they add to the situation. The truth itself, once known, seems to have the effect of setting us free from whatever conditions come along with misinformation, disinformation, and withholding.
Without having a foundation of truth between us, for me anyways, all is confusion, hesitation, uncertainty. Nothing lasting results from our collaboration.
I certainly know that from processing my vasanas or core issues. The truth of the vasana, once known, released me from the condition that lay at the vasana’s heart – regret, sadness, jealousy, envy, hatred, etc.
Once we’re free of our vasanas and the conditioning that arises from them, by continuously speaking Perro we’re left in our natural and normal state, which is love. Communicating from that space is Saedor. Perro has led us to Saedor.
(1) Linda Dillon, “The Forms of Intergalactic Language,” Aug. 2, 2015, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/08/02/the-forms-of-intergalactic-language/
(2) I don’t mean to imply that anyone is somehow “close-hearted.” Not at all. What I mean by “open heart” is spiritually very particular and has nothing to do with our attitudes, actions, etc. Even after seventh-chakra enlightenment (Brahmajnana), our hearts still close again, in most cases. Only after Sahaja Samadhi do they remain open, the hallmark of permanent residence in the Fifth Dimension.
(3) “Transcript: Yeshua Discusses Relationships on Heavenly Blessings,” channeled by Linda Dillon, February 4, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/02/transcript-yeshua-discusses-relationships-on-heavenly-blessings-february-4-2014/.