Previously, we read some bizarre and perplexing accounts of extraterrestrial contact.
While society ignores this phenomenon and labels anyone who’s interested in it a nutcase, credible reports are surfacing every day and making it clear we can no longer have our heads in the sand.
We’ve been conditioned to reject anything outside the intellectual confines established by elitist institutions for the purpose of dumbing down the masses and assuring we never question the social order.
Because of this, anyone who tries to seriously address this subject is met with criticism and ridicule.
People around the world have reported various types of extraterrestrial contact, and the day we seriously consider what these contactees are saying will be the day we realize they’re not all making it up.
Something is happening, even if it isn’t contact, and the seemingly genuine reports available make you wonder if we’re truly alone or if contact has been a regular part of our history.
Enlightened Cosmic Humans
Similar to stories I’ve shared before, the one below details contact from enlightened human extraterrestrials who share wisdom and request help from the contactees in exchange for communication and sightings.
The story comes from David Wilcock, who summarized it from the groundbreaking documentary The Friendship Case.
All of the information in this report comes from David’s summary, and if you enjoy what you read here, check out the story in detail in the report he posted to his website, Divine Cosmos (1).
David advocates the existence of enlightened humans from other worlds who want to help humanity usher in a ‘Golden Age’ – the next stage in our individual and collective evolution.
According to his writings, these positive ET groups have contacted people around the world (though not as much in the past 40 years) in an effort to make the masses aware of their presence in a way that doesn’t violate our freewill.
Too Much Pressure
In the Law of One, a series of channeled books from an entity known as ‘Ra’ who reportedly spoke through channel Carla Rueckert, we learn that contactees throughout history were unable to handle the pressure that came with such an unfathomable responsibility (1).
Well-intentioned plans went awry when distortions in the contactees’ ability to handle the contact became evident (1). Can you imagine how easy it’d be to think yourself a god if you were contacted by actual humans from other worlds?
Due to this, these intensely real sightings and contacts slowed to a near halt by 1981(1). Sightings are still frequent today and contact could still be taking place, but these instances generally happen in smaller numbers.
According to David, the amount of data left behind from these contacts – including the one we’ll learn about below – is ‘astonishing’ (1).
Photographs have been recovered, as well as videos of UFOs mid-flight, recordings of human ETs speaking, written documents, and scientific breakthroughs that include functioning technological devices (1).
A great deal of this data was initially lost but has since been recovered and made public (1). Some of the data is made public for the first time in David’s report, and he believes the widespread 1950s-80s contact was a precursor to the Ra material (1).
Bruno Samaciccia: 1950s Italian Contactee
The Friendship Case details extensive extraterrestrial contact that started in 1956.
Knowledge of this contact resurfaced when engineer Stefano Breccia published a book, Mass Contacts, which reveals personal accounts and evidence of repeated encounters with human ETs who had secret underground bases on our planet (1).
The contacts took place in Pescara, and writer Bruno Samaciccia was considered the main contactee (1).
Two other people involved, Gaspare De Lama and his wife Mirella, are alive today (1). Breccia’s respected status in academia and science inspired Gaspare to come forward with his story (1).
Bruno referred to the off-world humans with whom he made contact as the W56 (1). The ‘W’ stood for ‘double victory’ and was also a reference to George Washington (1).
The W56 were a group of humans who came from various parts of the cosmos (1). Beyond being scientifically and spiritually advanced and taller than people on our planet (they ranged from one to six meters in height), they were a lot like us (1).
The First Encounter
April 1956 was the date of Bruno’s first encounter with the W56 (1). He was investigating Rocca Pia castle with two friends after finding a ‘mysterious’ map that led there and wondering if the site contained any secrets (1).
While they were there, two men appeared and began speaking to them (1). One of the men was three feet tall, but the other was taller than Bruno and his friends (1). The tall one, who they learned was the group’s captain, was given the name Dimpietro (1).
Other names given to W56 members they met later were: Sigir, Sigis, Itaho; Kenio; Sinas; Saj; Meredir; and Romulus (1). The W56 didn’t use these names; they were given by Bruno’s group to make identification easier (1).
(Continued in part 2 tomorrow)
(1) David Wilcock, “1950s Human ETs Prepare Us for Golden Age — Videos, Documents!” Divine Cosmos, July 22, 2011 –
(Other sources embedded in article)
By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness, August 12, 2016 –