[Thanks again to Ellen for this transcription.]
Mary Magdalene ~ Stop Underestimating Who You Are!
Sacred is your life. You are here as the unique expression of your mission and purpose, your unique expression of the Mother, Father, One – and you. How could you not honour all of your being? How could you not love all of your being? That is my reminder this day.
Heavenly Blessings, May 24, 2016
Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love
Suzanne Maresca: Host, InLight Universal
[Meditation from 24:15 to 33:35] Link to show audio.
Mary Magdalene: Greetings, I am Mary.
Suzi: Welcome.
Mary Magdalene: And welcome to you, beloved sister of my heart, beloved sisters of my heart, beloved family of my heart, beloved Gaians. And that is how I come to you – the Magdalena, yes; fellow traveller, journeyer, adventurer, yes; mother and sister, ally and friend.
And I come to speak to you of the acknowledgement, the appreciation, the understanding and the letting-go of your sacred contract, your sacred mission, your purpose, your reason for existence throughout this and every lifetime you have ever inhabited. I beg you – stop underestimating who you are!
I had the gift and the privilege, the delight of being married and in relationship of the most satisfying kind with our beloved Jesus Sananda. And yes, he has turned into rather a notorious person, has he not! [Laughter] But in that, and in my knowing of the rightness of our union, which was an absolute choice – yes, of course, our love for one another, our understanding of who we are you might say, placed us beyond choice – but never was it truly not a choice.
It was a decision point, it was a pathway that both of us chose. But in that, regardless of the beliefs, the legends, the myths of how history assigned me, never did I shy away from my own mission and purpose, the recognition and the knowing of my own pattern, my own design, my own purpose, my own path. We were as One – and as two, for that is truly what sacred union but also the fulfilment of mission and purpose is about.
And that is particularly true – and always has been by the way – true about the journey upon Gaia, this beautiful Archangel Gaia who is, although many think of her as a being of green and blue, is in fact a mighty angel of pink. So it is not even a coincidence that your divinity, as hers, is of the pink diamond. But I digress.
Even before I met Yeshua, I was a channel and what you can think of as a Sacred Keeper of Ritual, of Rite. Now, there are many of you who do not adhere to ritual any longer, or do not fully understand or recognise a ritual can be weeks, days, months long or it can be 30 seconds, even within the Mother’s New Time. But this was my speciality and I never veered away from that. In fact, in many ways it sustained me, it sustained our family, it sustained the disciples, the apostles, our circle of love often.
When you take a moment at the beginning of your day to give thanksgiving and to ask for help, that is a ritual. When you give thanks and transmute the food and water that you drink, that is a ritual; that is a sacred rite. So this was an area of my expertise.
But there was another area of my expertise as well and it is called, in your terminology, what you think of as not only creating sacred space which I did through ritual and prayer, sometimes channelling, but it was the creation and the holding of sacred space.
And yes, Suzi, that is exactly what you do when you are in your car, your vehicle, your home. It is what all of you do because sacred space is necessary to exist upon the planet, and certainly to exist during this time of unfoldment, of ascension, of shift upon this planet – and particularly now as you are being literally bombarded.
Yes, we know others would be gentler and say “penetrated”, “infiltrated”, but I am saying “bombarded” because I know what it feels like. You are being bombarded with the energies and the love of the entire Company of Heaven. Dearest hearts, at moments it is profoundly amazing that you are still standing, sitting or sleeping even a wink!
Now in that, in the fulfilment of your unique mission and purpose – which is only the outer expression of your divine pattern – in that, sacred space and holding of space for yourself and for others is absolutely necessary. And it is even more necessary, more critical for those of you whose decision and choices and fulfilment, as you see it, of your mission and purpose is to foray out into that chaos, whether it is as a nurse, a doctor, a teacher or a neighbour – it matters not, because what you do is you carry that sacred space with you.
Yes, you are shielded, you are protected, but that flows outward. But you also invite others into that sacred space, and you also respect and honour the sacred space of others. You never invade; you never rape and pillage. You simply hold and honour. And you say, “Yes, but what if, when someone is doing something that is going awry?” You honour their sacred soul, their pathway and their divine brilliance, that regardless of scenic detours they will arrive where they need to be.
Now, I honoured Yeshi’s mission and purpose and it was very global, and in fact universal. That does not mean that at times I wished he would simply turn away, turn it down, stay home more. And even in that, there were times for both of us where we simply wanted more quiet time together. And we honoured that need for our time together – do not get me wrong.
But when you are in love and relationship and you know that time is limited – which is ironic because everybody’s time is limited – we wanted more as woman, as mother, as apostle, as friend; I wanted more. Not because it necessarily contributed to my mission and purpose, but simply because of love. I wanted the quality, the time together to be bigger, broader, deeper.
But in that, as we travelled together, whether it was in the village or on the road, part of my mission and purpose was to hold the sacred space. So whether there were 10 of us or 100 or 1,000s – yes, there were 1,000s even then – I would create and do ritual, seen and unseen, that would hold the space of our group and let the energy flow out so that we could be in that sacred union space; so that not only the ears could hear, but that the heart could receive and that the beingness come to know, not just the messages of love that my husband shared so profoundly, but that people would come to know that they were love.
Now, there were those who thought, “Well, what does she do? She sits on the edge of the group and she just does nothing. Really, the main attraction, the star of the show, is Yeshua.” And that was exactly what it was meant to be. I did not choose. It was not my place to be front and centre. My role was different, and I would say, equally of value, equally important, equally essential.
Now, I do not say this to give myself undue credit – I have much credit and it is not an issue! I am beloved by so many. I say this to remind each of you – there are times when you are front and centre, and there are times when you are at the edge. You cannot have a centre if you do not have a boundary and an edge.
So all pieces of all of your missions of all of your undertakings, known and unknown – because you don’t always need to know – are vitally important. In that time, I knew what lay ahead for our family, for our children, for Yeshua and I, and I knew it would be difficult and heartbreaking. At moments, I also knew of many of the rumours of me as harlot and whore; I knew of the jealousies of some, that as woman I had such access to the beloved prophet.
I did not know how I would be dismissed and denigrated and hidden, put aside by many churches and religions, but that did not matter because my legacy all these years later is not only intact, it re-emerges. You see, my mission and purpose did not change and it still hasn’t.
My mission of carrying, yes, the Divine Feminine, but also the beauty, the sensuality, the sacred nature of both what people thought of as my sacred work and my family work, my love affair – all of these were my mission and purpose. You cannot deny one piece of yourself or say, “Well this is my mission and purpose, and this part, this is just my personal life.” You cannot be fragmented, my beloved ones, and you cannot deny a piece of yourself.
There is deep trust, not only in your sacred self but in the Mother, of knowing that what you are doing, if your heart is open and pure – and it is – that you cannot go awry, that you are where the Mother is placing you. And what that means is you are aligned with the love. You may consult the mental body, you may compliment the ego, but it is never led by ego or simply by the mind without reference to the heart.
So that everything you do – everything – and let me tell you, cooking and the preparation of meals for beloved family and friends is sacred work. Everything is mission and purpose. It is not a separate piece. In your society and the way that things have grown throughout the various ages, you have often come to think of your job as something that you do for 8-10-12 hours a day – and then there is you and your life.
It is even more unfortunate when I observe that people think they are the job and have forgotten about the rest. Such fragmentation is incorrect. There cannot be several you, now especially as you bring in and anchor all of your aspects. Do you have millions of faces? Yes. But they are all you. There is only one you – and you are magnificent!
So why I have come this day is a very simple plea: do not underestimate who you are. Do not dismiss or denigrate, not only the very large swath of actions or behaviours that you take, but the minute ones as well. In your form, love is the expression and experience of love. And that includes primarily how you treat and consider and think of and love your sacred self, all parts of you.
It is not about the division of saint and sinner. I have spoken in other times and conversations with you about the importance of body, of sexuality, of intimacy, of union. That is not separate than going to the temple and doing ritual, sacred in its nature. All things are sacred – one of the things like your job that has gotten fragmented or segmented away. ‘Sacred’ has become the term used for certain types of rituals like going to church or praying.
Sacred is your life. You are here as the unique expression of your mission and purpose, your unique expression of the Mother, Father, One – and you. How could you not honour all of your being? How could you not love all of your being? That is my reminder this day.
Dearest Suzi, where do you wish to begin?
Suzi: Well, I wish to begin by saying thank you for joining us. It’s always a joy to have these conversations. Jesus lived his life showing us our own potential, and together you have given us a wonderful model for sacred partnership. Is it so that one of the goals for incarnation this time around is to join in sacred partnership?
Mary Magdalene: Yes. Now let me tell you, sacred partnership also begins with your beloved self. But when the Mother created this planet of play, this planet of love, it was to know love in physical form – interdimensional, but in physical reality.
There are a few of you who did not come to join in what we would call “the external expression of sacred union”, meaning that you did not choose to be in partnership. And let us extend that: in family, in community. Otherwise, dearest heart, you would have come to a planet by yourself.
But how do you know love in the physical reality, even when it is just between you and I? It is an experience, an expression, a feeling, a knowing. So you don’t get that unless you are in interaction. And first it begins with yourself, but with that comes the push to experience it with others, to share it. The Mother has said to you at one point: “She wants you to fall in love with everybody on Earth!”
Suzi: Yes. I’m just wondering, specifically a romantic kind of relationship? I know we have sacred partnership with ourselves and with everything around us.
Mary Magdalene: Well, let me talk to you as girlfriend to girlfriend – the answer is yes. Boyfriend to boyfriend – yes. Man to woman – yes. Woman to man – yes. You came during this time to live the pattern, not only set by Yeshua and I, but set by the Mother and Father, One. That is the experience.
So romantic love, sacred union, partnership – is that part of your path? The answer is yes!
Suzi: Well, that’s good to know. It’ll happen sometime. No need to chase it, worry about it. It’ll be.
Mary Magdalene: The more you chase it, the more you worry about it, the more you get overheated and concerned about it, the more you push it away. Think of the feminine in particular. You are a magnet; you bring the masculine energy into you through sex. You hold the child that you are birthing inside of you, then you birth the creation onto the planet. So you pull things to you.
Now, does the Law of Attraction explain everything? Of course not. There are many Universal Laws. But you do not need to play seek and find. It is not a game of hide-and-seek. It is a game of receive.
Suzi: Well, that’s beautiful and I would love to have more of this conversation. Would you come back and talk to us please about how that looks in the future? You talk about magnetising and the penetration, and I’m just wondering if the sexual act is the same on the higher dimensions? I can imagine there are differences that we can’t even imagine at this point?
Mary Magdalene: There are differences and I would be overjoyed to come and speak of this with you, with all of you!
Suzi: Yay! Thank you so much for joining us today. If you have anything in closing, I would love to hear it.
Mary Magdalene: Honour yourself. Stop this sense of fragmentation. Stop this sense of worry and concern. By being upon sweet Gaia at this time, you are fulfilling your mission and purpose. You are doing so by a very complex act called breathing!
Go with my love and go with my blessings. Farewell.
Suzi: Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2016 Council of Love, Inc.
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“Transcript ~ Mary Magdalene on Heavenly Blessings: Stop Underestimating Who You Are!” Channeled by Linda Dillon, May 24, 2016, at https://inlightuniversal.com/heavenly-blessings-mary-magdelene-on-seeing-the-self/