In my last reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, one of the lines of discussion was how to study the Divine Mother, given that all of life reflects her pattern and patterning. (1) Archangel Michael’s response to my questions on the subject is, for me, highly illuminating.
Archangel Michael: Think of what we have said what Einstein and the Mother and many are telling you at this time. All is patterned upon the Mother.
Steve: So, therefore any study of the Mother, repays handsome dividends?
AAM: Think of it in this way. If you did nothing else, not only with this life but with many, many, many, many lives, if you only studied the Mother, which you know because you are fully committed, you would receive the ultimate dividend.
Now many go about this in various ways, depending on inclination, free will, and choices. But directly or indirectly, as you have always stated, beloved Steve, all is about the study of the Mother and the return to the Mother.
Steve: You are using “the Mother,” it sounds like, to include the Father when you say that.
AAM: Yes.
Steve: So Mother/Father One.
AAM: When you think of the pattern of the Universe, the whole universe, then you think of the pattern of the Mother. (2)
Is there diversity? Of course there is. The Mother is infinite so of course there is diversity. But the pattern is the same.
What is happening upon Gaia at this time, is the diversity, the infinite nature of the pattern of the Mother is being reconstituted, rediscovered, brought forward, and resurrected yet again. That is truly what Ascension is about.
Steve: One view of the Mother is that she is a sine wave, the universal creative vibration that calls worlds into being, holds them for a while and transforms them.
Are there other views of the Mother? Is that what you’re saying? In other words, you can look at this, you can look at that, you can look at the other.
AAM: You can look at everything and it will still be the pattern of the Mother.
Steve: You mean everything natural and not man-made, except at a biological or chemical level?
AAM: Think of this. Has human energy made aberrant things in their wonderful expression of free will? Yes.
But if you look at that inside the outward expression, it is still the pattern of the Mother. Because that is all there is!
So let us go back to my beloved brother, Lucifer, (3) who so many had thought was anathema, and aberration but inside was only the longing for love, the kernel of love. When the Mother said, “jump,” he came home.
Steve: She pulled on his leash.
AAM: Now she is not pulling on the leash of humanity. Well, she is somewhat actually. We will leave it at that.
But yes, if you look at the other intergalactic and galactic species that you are dealing with and will be dealing with, think of them as diverse, as having evolved in different ways but not as a hierarchy. Please do not do that.
Steve: … and not different at soul level either…
AAM: That is correct.
Steve: Whet my appetite, Lord. Tell me some other aspect of the Mother that I can look at in the same way that I’ve looked at the sine wave and the gunas and the Trimurthy. (4)
AAM: And of course sacred geometry.
Steve: So sacred geometry would be an approach to the Mother?
AAM: That is correct because what are the various forms, the patterning? Think of what I am saying, the patterning that she can express as.
Steve: Well, surely it’s infinite!
AAM: Of course it is. But look at snowflakes. They are infinite.
Steve: They are all hexagonal and they are infinite! I never thought of that!
AAM: Play with it, dear heart. Look at a leaf. No two are the same. No blade of glass is exactly the same as its next-door neighbor. No two human beings are exactly the same, not even twins.
(1) The Divine Mother is in part a created being. I think of her as the Father wearing a mask. Just as an avatar is the Mother in a body so is the Mother the formless Father in form. As such, in my view, she can be said to have a pattern.
(2) So, in other words, when you speak of the world of form (the universe), then you can think of the pattern and patterning of the Mother.
(3) We were discussing the rescue of Lucifer earlier in the reading. More on Lucifer, here: “Archangel Lucifer” at
(4) The sine wave called Aum, which is an aspect of the Mother, is composed of three subcomponents: Akar, the upward motion; Ukar, the top of the wave; and Makar, the downward movement. Each of these is associated with a cosmic force or guna and personified as a god. So Akar = creative = rajas guna = Brahma. Ukar = preservative = sattwa guna = Vishnu. Makar = transformative = thamas guna = Shiva. The Trimurthy is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.