I said two days ago that I’d like to discuss how our currently-held beliefs will probably not be adequate to allow us to understand what is happening now and will happen later.
Let me illustrate what I mean by that and forgive me if I sound more esoteric than we’re ordinarily accustomed to.
Linda Dillon stated before the show that our future life would be “Add on, add on, add on.” What she meant by that was that our Third-Dimensional bodies would be made crystalline and, at that point, our evolutionary path would lie in “adding on” increasing capabilities, so that we’d be capable of visiting and even staying in other dimensions.
Life would become more a circle than a hierarchical ladder.
I could hardly hear her, let alone understand her, because my entire education in the area has been that our evolution was by subtraction, not addition. Please let me explain.
I studied the afterlife before I ever heard of Ascension. (1) In the afterlife world, we evolve by discarding. Upon death, we discard the physical body. When we finish in the etheric plane, we discard our etheric body for our deeper astral body. When the time comes to leave the Astral Plane for the Mental Plane, we discard our astral body and end up in our mental body. And so the progress goes on.
We definitely might be able to visit higher dimensions for a short time, but neither for a long time nor to stay there. Dimensional life was definitely hierarchical. But in this new round of life we’re beginning, the dimensions are, apparently, a circle and not a ladder.
Linda and Sanat Kumara make the point that we’re entering into an entirely-new domain and that the rules of the game have changed, so to speak. Sanat agreed that we could as easily use the metaphor “emergence” as “addition.” We’ll emerge more and more. That concept provides a bridge for me to understand and accept that we are now in an additive process rather than a subtractive.
Running into a paradigm-altering situation has happened before to me. I once had a spiritual experience which culminated in me knowing for certain that I was God. It happened at a very loving moment. I suddenly realized that I was God. And, aside from the sublime moment that it was, I was aware that love and light had at that moment both intersected me at the place of my heart.
The aspect of that experience that fixed itself in my attention, apart from the sublime realization of the divinity that all of us share, was that I saw at that moment that light was not always dazzling brilliance. Light was also simple awareness. Everything I was seeing, everything I was aware of was also light.
That realization cracked the paradigm of light I had held up to that time.
My assertion is that we’ll be experiencing one after another after another detail from the Company of Heaven from this time onwards that will challenge the dickens out of us to accept. Many will be paradigm-breaking. Many will feel unsettling.
I believe that we’ll become proficient in simply letting go of our old ways of seeing and experiencing things. Nothing else will be possible in the face of the total way our world will change, if it hasn’t already changed for us.
I’m just predicting. I see these things happening for myself and my job is to share about them, for the comfort it gives others to know that they’re not alone in what they’re seeing and noticing. But they’re as mind-boggling for me as they may be for you.
(1) See “New Maps of Heaven” at https://goldengaiadb.com/New_Maps_of_Heaven.