(Concluded from Part 2.)
Leadership is Stewardship
New models of leadership are needed, Jesus tells us. He suggests that the new paradigm for our age be stewardship.
“Leadership is stewardship. And, yes, I still go back to the examples that I have used of being the shepherd. Because sometimes you lead from behind, and sometimes you lead from the front. But it is through the quality of your being.
“The time is over and it was over in my time when you try and tell someone what to do. You have seen – and now I speak to the populace – that this does not work. Leadership is assuming the mantle of responsibility. And you lead by example.” (1)
Jesus tells us that leadership doesn’t involve sacrifice:
“Now, there is a misunderstanding that leadership means sacrifice. It is not sacrifice when you are doing what you have come to do. It is not sacrifice when you do what you wish to do and what you intend to do. And what we suggest to you is that humanity – particularly every single person on the planet at this time – is fulfilling a different leadership role. Now, are some in the limelight in that bright white light? Yes. Are some more subtly leading? Yes.” (2)
It also doesn’t involve pushiness or aggression.
“What it means is not being aggressive, but being very determined and clear about speaking and living and declaring your truth. And to not be fearful of the public arena. Because the fear will freeze you. Will there be naysayers at this juncture, will there be those who want to shroud you in doubt? Yes. But that is their issue, not yours. Leadership in this time and in this occasion is about stepping forward.” (3)
That’s very clear. The leader is the good steward, not afraid to step forward.
The new leadership, the Divine Mother says, must be free of old Third-Dimensional notions like control. She tells us:
“If the love is not present, if the commitment, the demonstration of that commitment is not present in physicality, then how is it Nova Earth? How are you Nova Beings? How does that reflect the anchoring of heart consciousness? …
“There are some wisps here of the old Third, of control, because you think, ‘This is my project.’ It may be your inspiration, [but] there are, guaranteed, many, a multitude, of beings upon the planet who, give or take a little, have been given the same inspiration.
“So the first thing you [need to] do [is] not relinquish leadership but relinquish control. It is not your project. It is a collective project.” (4)
Archangel Michael emphasizes the need for gentleness and kindness in the new leaders:
“What you as peaceful warriors, as central administrators, as healers, as teachers are learning is that gentleness, first and foremost to yourself is a reflection of the Mother’s love. If you cannot be kind and gentle and sweet to yourself then you cannot be gentle in relationship.
“Gentleness carries a sense and an energy of such love-force that the resistance disappears. So this is resistance that the humans have had, and rightfully so, of being told what to do. That is why we always say we suggest, we guide. We will never tell you what to do unless it is to save your life, and even then we may not say a word.
“Gentleness is the key. Kindness is the key.” (5)
These then are some of the available descriptions of the new leaders and new leadership.
Many have been born or are being born whose destiny is to lead the new society, according to Matthew Ward.
“During the past decade or two some souls have come in with the advanced spiritual clarity and ancient wisdom that will naturally put them in leadership roles.” (6)
The people will need to awaken to the power that they possess, SaLuSa tells us, to fully bring in the new society.
“People power is becoming more evident, and we can assure you that politicians are treading more carefully because of it. The consciousness of the people is changing, and it is awakening them to their true potential. They are also beginning to realize that they have power beyond their understanding. They are projecting their visions of the future, with the realization that it will help them manifest, and are speeding up their upliftment.” (7)
Will all of us play large and important roles in the new society? No, Matthew Ward says. We’re needed at all levels of society, in all areas of human endeavor.
“Regarding soul contract ‘missions,’ you can see the ‘big picture’ but not your specific part of the design, so we tell you again, EVERY ONE of you is important or you wouldn’t be where you are!
“Only a relatively few are needed in primary leadership positions and some are becoming apparent, but many millions will be in support roles that aren’t yet evident because the need is on the horizon, not at the threshold. If you will remember that not only did you choose to live during this unprecedented time on Earth, but you were selected because of your collective lifetime experience, wisdom and spiritual strength that will be needed, you can be patient in the knowledge that when that moment comes, you will intuitively know how to proceed.
“However, since most missions do not come in one AHA! moment, we want you to know that simply by following your heart, the seat of the soul, you are serving the light and fulfilling the lifetime purpose you signed up for!” (8)
The Process of Change
Now a final word about the process of leadership change. Change itself is born of chaos.
At times of chaos, innovators feel the courage to put forth ideas that they may have worried would be ridiculed if put forth at earlier times. People in society may feel more inclined to consider and accept these new ideas, as Archangel Michael explains.
“Out of a situation that looks like chaos come the new ideas, the new approaches. So, what looks like crisis, and ultimate confusion, and power struggle in the worst sense of the word, births the new.
“Does that new simply come from what you think of as the leadership involved? All who are playing their roles beautifully know: It also comes from the heart of each of you sending the gift of clarity, expanding it, loving more freely, more openly, and allowing your inspiration for the new to be implanted in the leadership as well as them being open to the divine partnership and the inspiration that is being implanted within each and every one of them.” (9)
When will all this happen? Archangel Michael has given us one sign: When quietness falls on the planet.
“Look to the changes that all of a sudden things get terribly quiet. That is your sign. Now, in that quietness, we are also joining with you.” (10)
I complained to him in my reading of June 7, 2015, that things were so quiet, it was challenging to be a writer. He promised me that he would have some exciting things to write about (wait for it) “soon.”
(1) “Transcript: Yeshua Discusses False Grids, Part 2/2” channeled by Linda Dillon, August 6, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/transcript-yeshua-discusses-false-grids-august-6-2013-part-22/.
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) “An Hour With An Angel – The Divine Mother: Welcome To ‘New Time’, https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/01/27/divine-mother-welcome-new-time/.
(5) Archangel Michael in “The Divine Mother and Archangel Michael: Work with and Expand This Energy of Clarity,” channeled by Linda Dillon, October 14, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/10/the-divine-mother-and-archangel-michael-work-with-and-expand-this-energy-of-clarity/.
(6) Matthew, “Essay on 2012,” Dec. 31, 2007, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.
(7) SaLuSa, Feb. 23, 2009, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(8) Matthew’s Message, May 21, 2008, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.
(9) Archangel Michael in “The Divine Mother and Archangel Michael: Work with and Expand This Energy of Clarity,” ibid.
(10) “Archangel Michael on the Containment of the Cabal,” July 3, 2012, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/accountability/the-process-of-accountability/archangel-michael-on-the-containment-of-the-cabal/.