I’ve been using my imagination more and more these days. The Arcturians through Sue Lie at her Multidimensional Leadership Webinar said that what appears to us on the Third/Fourth Dimension as “imagination” appears to them on their higher dimension as “creative thought.” Whatever they think of appears.
I write non-fiction almost exclusively. I haven’t used my imagination very much. So this is new to me.
Instead I rely on my intuition.
But since Sue’s workshop I’ve been using it increasingly, as a tool, not as a pastime. This is a time of change and I figured, “Why not try something new?”
In what follows, I imagined I was channeling the galactic being whom I serve, the Lord Arcturus. I’d be flattered if it were mostly me. But I don’t think it is.
Perhaps leave aside who it may be and just enjoy the words. I liked them. I am grateful for them.
I am Arcturus and I bless you all to have wisdom and long life.
With wisdom comes eternal life, much as we have in the higher dimensions.
Wisdom leads to enlightenment.
With enlightenment comes release from death. (1)
That leaves you free and with a very long life, my friends.
Wisdom led you there.
Trust your own inner wisdom.
Let that be your guide.
How do you get there?
It’s simple.
Let go of fear and replace it with wisdom.
You’re probably unaware that fear is there.
You probably don’t realize the everyday level of fear you manifest and project outwards.
But other people are aware of it.
They feel it.
They sense it.
As you’ve said many times, dear one, we’re only invisible to ourselves.
Everyone else sees us clearly.
Perhaps you’d like to ask your friends how they see you.
That would be an incredible contribution and your getting it would be an incredible achievement.
Or just let go of fear, dear one.
Everyone, let go of fear.
Say: I am the original sinner.
I missed the mark here.
I cast the first stone.
Therefore, let me sincerely apologize for my original transgression and offer the hand of peace.
Without peace, there can be no wisdom.
Without wisdom, there can be no everlasting life.
I hear you say that Ascension is coming.
But why wait, my friends?
Why not be among the first to arrive?
You get the best room, the best service.
With wisdom comes peace.
With wisdom comes long life.
Why not prefer the path of wisdom?
That is a wise choice.
I am Arcturus and I bequeath you my wisdom. With it, may you achieve long life.
(1) That is, liberation from physical death at Sahaja Samadhi.