I understand that the last five minutes of the show tonight were cut off . They are contained here.
Steve Beckow: Well, we’ll welcome in the Divine Mother after you’ve made your transition.
Divine Mother: Greetings. Greetings.
SB: Greetings, Mother.
DM: I am, yes, Mother/Father One. I am honored, I am joyous to speak to you as Mother.
SB: Thank you.
DM: But you know, and all of you know, I speak to you as One, and I speak to you as love.
Sweet angels, hybrids, Earth-keepers, starseed, and everything in between, archangels, seraph, cherubs, faeries, gnomes, familiars, wing-makers, you have so many entities, so many aspects, so many faces to express of yourselves and to your friends of Earth and far beyond, and yet how do I know you?
I know you by your soul design of love. I know every portion of your being, every fiber, every particle. Oh, do not think, dear hearts, that I do not know the familiar face, because I do.
Yes! So often, you have thought of me as distant mother, with limited capacity, might I say! Which is quite humorous. How could I possibly know billions and billions and billions of faces? Let alone the secrets of your hearts!
SB: I hope you’re going to answer that question, Mother. How can you know billions and billions of people and the secrets of their heart?
DM: Well, I have an excellent cataloging system, dear heart.
SB: [laughs]
DM: The way that you look if you sit down, say, at a dinner table with friends, and you look around, and maybe it’s four of you, maybe it’s eight, maybe it’s twenty, but you know the people around the table. You know who they are, you know somewhat of their backgrounds, you read their energy, you feel their joy or their disdain or their discomfort.
So it is with me. And I look down upon you, yes, certainly as a collective. But do not think I do not know you! How could I not know myself?
For you carry my love, my divinity within you. You are the direct expression of All. If you were not — and this is true, by the way, not only of those of you humans that we call of Gaia, but of many universes — you have difficulty expanding your head, your mind, not your heart, but your mind, to comprehend such vastness. And yet, such vastness also rests within you. In a previous conversation, conversations with many of my beloved ones, you have talked and you have had the experience of being the galaxies…
SB: Yes, I’ve had that experience, Mother. (1)
DM: … of being the multiverse. So you have had a glimpse of this.
SB: Um-hmm.
DM: Many of you find it very easy to love collectively your star brothers and sisters, or collectively all who inhabit Venus or Andromeda or Arcturus or Electra. One of the things that I wish to discuss this day is how you can love humanity, how you can love, period, no condition at all. And we will even set discussion of containment aside. How can you love everyone upon your planet?
Beloveds, you are at a critical intersection, and the chaos and the mayhem upon my beloved Gaia is extreme. Now, is this part of the plan? Does all this hatred, envy, control, greed, pain, have need to come to the surface? Yes. Do you need to love it? No. You need to love the essence, the divinity, of all beings. Yes, including the humans.
When you have been having your conversation about core issues, and it is so, my lightworkers, my ground crew, you are being faced with the relief of issues that have threatened you or made you feel inadequate, in past times. And we will get to the heart of this today, but first I wish to speak to the collective.
Think of the core issues of your old Third Dimension and of humanity that have clung to that reality. It is all at the surface. Let me elaborate somewhat on what Germain has said to thee. You have not ever been appointed as judge or jury for each other or for humanity, for the human race. To commit yourself to ascension, to love, to the gift of grace I have given you nearly two weeks ago, the divine qualities! It cannot — it does not — include judgment.
Of course you are discerning. You have been given magnificent emotional, mental, and even ego acuity. I am not asking you to deny your intelligence, dear hearts. But what I am asking is to step back and send the love! Because it is not the judgment. It is only the love that can heal, transmute and transform these energies of chaos that are rampant.
You say to me, “Mother,” — and I hear your cries, morning, noon and night — “Mother, why are you permitting this? Michael, why are you permitting this? Why are women and children being brutalized, killed, raped, sacrificed? Why are men — and women! — being permitted to wage atrocity? It’s not a matter of who did what first! Why is this permitted?”
Humanity, humans, humans that carry my spark, the Father’s knowing, wisdom, everything that was ever required, are committing these actions. And I do not merely mean the actions of war. I mean the actions that are of cruelty, of bigotry, of segregation! Of financial cruelty! Political cruelty. Injustice.
Now, why am I allowing this to take place? Please remember, this cruelty is not my creation. This is a human creation, and you beg me, you say, “Mother, make it stop!” Dear hearts, I could not agree with you more! How? How, when all is in alignment, right now, how do you ascend, how does collective ignition take place if there is not love?
How does this happen? You — and I do not mean you who are listening; so again I tell you, I am speaking and calling to the people of Earth — you have asked to ascend as one. You have asked to be the embodiment of the highest realm of consciousness, in form, collectively, creating, inhabiting Nova Earth, Terra Gaia. This cannot occur without collective love.
Now, who is turning that ignition key? It is not merely me, us. It is not merely the archangels or what you refer to as my Company of Heaven. It is not merely your star brothers and sisters, it is not even merely Gaia herself. Your hand is on the ignition as clearly as mine is. And the energy to turn that key is love. It always has been, it always will be. This is never going to change.
So you are not loving the atrocities. You are loving the divinity in the collective. You are recommitting who you are and who they are, you are loving them into wholeness. Are you doing it alone? Most certainly not. That is why I have been flooding you with my energies and my gifts! Embrace the grace.
Allow the waves. If you are tired, come to the shallows. Let me hold you and bathe you and wrap you in my cloak of blue.
But, dear hearts, my beloveds of Earth, of Gaia, this is a collective action. It is as a collective ascension. The action, the movement, is every realm, all of us, yourself included. You are the bravest of the brave, the most determined, the most committed, the most stalwart, and you have faced challenges that are legendary. But we do this together. I do not do it for you. I do it with you.
The archangels, the masters, as a group, have come forth to assist me, to mentor you in this shift. Your guides, the kingdoms, your star brothers and sisters, there is not one element or one group that you can even dream of, let alone know of, that is not standing right here with you.
And if you wish to think of it this way, all of our hands are on the ignition key. You who are the most committed and faithful — and this is not judgment, it is a reflection of how you have been committed and driven and focused in your lives — you are ready to go, not merely flying through and back the portal.
So I beckon to you to call forth the love, not for the heinous acts, but for that spark of divinity that I have birthed in each and every one of you.
Now, dear Steve, where do you wish to begin?
SB: Well, Mother, it’s almost as if we’re in an obstacle race and we come upon an obstacle, and we climb up and over it. And one of the obstacles is just what you said, to see other people as that spark of divinity rather than as their history or their record or their rap sheet, however you want to point to it.
And it seems to be very difficult for us here, in the body, to make that leap, to leave behind the rap sheet and the record. And especially with people who are exceedingly violent, like, say, ISIS in Iraq or some of the Syrian fighters, or the people fighting in Gaza.
What is the best way to make the leap over focusing on people’s record or rap sheet, so to speak, or whatever you want to call it to seeing that divine spark in them?
DM: Now, let me be very clear. When I have said that your role is not as judge or jury, of course you use discernment. You do not accept or sanction these violent, atrocious actions! One of the most proficient ways to go to that place of loving the spark, of loving the human — because it is intended not to be impersonal but personal, but not subjective — do you understand what I say?
SB: Yes, I do.
DM: Put them in groups. Because time is of the essence. Your time, my time, divine timing. Your planet is playing brinkmanship. Now, will this be permitted? No. Your star brothers and sisters will not allow it.
But it is a very dangerous game, and it is dangerous because it is soul destroying. So never has it been more important in this process than now to love, to love the group.
So, you look at a group such as ISIS — it is a very good example — but rather than trying to separate — because it is that separation that we do not want to occur — not to say well, today I will love ISIS; tomorrow I will love Israel; tomorrow I will love Hamas… no! Because then what you are doing is you are creating segmentation, fragmentation, isolation, abandonment. And that is of the old paradigm.
Take the entire area and say, today, I love everybody who is carrying war and violence in their hearts. Now, this covers not only the atrocities in the Ukraine, and in the Middle East, in Detroit, in Chicago, in Washington, in Sudan, in Somalia, it covers the person who is cutting their wrist, wanting to die, because they are doing violence to themselves, out of hatred of themselves and their life.
So, group it that way. And if you know of a person — and all of you do; all of you — it would take about 10 seconds of your time, and none of mine, to visualize in front of you a violent person, extend your two fingers, extend for your heart to theirs, embrace them, love them. It is not like you do not know how to love. You are experts!
Why do you think we sanctioned, chose, fostered this platform? All of you, all of you who listen, and people of Earth, if you came with one specialty, one level of expertise, it was love. See the embodiment in front of you for all that grouping and love it.
Then the next day, so I don’t overwhelm you, take all those who are disillusioned, living in despair and terror — and again I do not simply mean the mothers, the fathers, the children of war, I mean the mothers and the children who wonder if they will have food this day, whether the baby will make it through the night, whether they will have a roof over their heads, whether the banks will foreclose, whether their checks will bounce, whether they will have money for milk. Those who are so tired and in despair because they physically, emotionally hurt.
Now it takes you two seconds to think of such a person, and love them. Love those who are in pain. And especially, even create a special day for those who have given up hope, because although I am watching you and infusing all of Earth with grace, what I am seeing… there are far too many. More are hopeless than violent and waging war and disillusioned and even despaired. They have gone beyond despair to simply, we would say, pre-death. They have given up hope.
Love them. Remind them that they are loved and lovable, and cherished and valued and honored and important to this ascension, to the fulfillment of my plan and theirs.
What you are doing, my sweet angels, is no different than what I am doing, than we are doing, than the archangels are doing, the masters… Your star brothers and sisters have never been so vigorous with their pink energy!
And the order of the day for all who are what you think of as the troops on the ground, your star brothers. It is the same for them as what I am saying to you: Yes, they are acclimatizing, they are adjusting, but their urgent order is: spread the love.
I have always asked you, I have always encouraged you to be the love, to remember that you are the love and only the love. But I ask you, very specifically right now — not just for today or tomorrow or for next week; but for the months ahead in this divine alignment — please, love. Love yourself, but love humanity. Lift them up and remind them who they really are, because that is what we are doing.
SB: Another question for you, Mother.
DM: Yes?
SB: You brought up the subject of hopelessness, and that raises the question of the second barrier that humanity seems to encounter in these times. And that’s that we’ve fallen into a pattern of thinking that there are no solutions, we can’t do it, we’re not the ones, nothing can work in this world.
Can you explain to us what the mechanism of that is? How has that come about in us? Because if we can understand that, if we can see what the mechanism is, then we can allow it to just leave us, to experience it through and let it go. How have we come to be in this situation of thinking so little of our own capacities, our own ability to generate solutions and carry them through?
DM: It was a false grid which was then anchored as a belief system, then anchored as an emotion and a mental belief system of lack of self worth that was part of the instruction — I would like to use the word obstruction — of the old third dimension. Those who wished from the place of believing in their own supremacy, wished in that distorted, egoic belief system to have beings, lesser beings, to control. It was a human — yes, dark human; but we do not judge this – it was a human creation, one of the most powerful human creations ever.
You are many things, and I have only listed a few at the beginning of our discussion — you are many things – but you are not helpless. Think of it: each of you has come back not only in service to me, but to be part of the ascension, individual and collective, and in physicality, to be the creator race, to create and close that circle, complete that cycle of limitation and claim the fullness of your birthright.
How do you do it? You do it with the help of Archangel Michael, by throwing your arms wide open and accepting my infusion of love and grace and the clarity of who you are. If I look throughout the multiverse, you are amongst the most determined of any realm.
And that determination is also the eradication, the elimination, the erasure of this feeling of helplessness. You are sick of it! And, dear heart, we are sick of it.
So you declare it, and you take action. Now, sometimes it is the tiniest action. Think of it, use your mental body, and your emotional, because they are one and the same; now, back and forth, and back and forth.
Use your faculties and even think of something small that you feel helpless about. “I feel helpless, not to lose weight, but to lose half a pound today.” And declare it not so, and align your determination, your surrender to your determination, and the alignment with every action of your day to that determination and to that surrender.
Surrender is action. Align with the truth of who you are and what you really wish to create. It matters not what you weigh! In reality, you are all massive! And tiny!
Perhaps it is “Today I do not wish to feel helpless in my relationship… with my child, my boss, my spouse, my partner.” Then decide, “Today I am going to have that one conversation, that one, two-minute interlude… And what am I going to do in that interlude? I am going to love. I am going to love them and I am going to love me. And I am going to prove…” not to me, sweet angels; not to your guides, but to yourself. You are not helpless. Make it your new mantra: I am a powerful creator, and I claim it now.
SB: Well, here’s another question, Mother, if I may.
DM: Yes?
SB: A third obstacle has been that — and I’m talking here about things that are happening at a very deep level within us. I’m not talking about our ideas about them, but these very deep orientations and conclusions that we reach – a third obstacle is that we’ve been convinced that only what we can see, touch, hear and feel is real.
So when St. Germaine says to me, Take my violet torch and torch that feeling, I say to myself, at a very deep level, That violet flame is not true. None of that exists. Or, when other people say, I see — we’ll take what Linda said earlier, I see the alignment of all the grids, and I’m saying to myself, Well, I don’t see the alignment of all the grids. That can’t be real.
How do you speak to that as a very deep mechanism within us that most of us are not even aware of, that we consider only what we can physically see and hear as real.
And therefore, of course, you’re not real, Mother! You know, I can’t see you. I can hear you through Linda, but… Do you know what I’m saying? We are convinced at some very deep level that anything beyond our range of seeing or hearing is not real.
DM: And that is a very important question, child. Because you are so much more than simply what you think of as your senses. And each of you is becoming more and more aware of, can we say, your expanded senses.
But let me share with you: recently, I took this channel on vacation. And I began with her once again to remind her of the basics. And so I share this with you as well.
Do you see the wind that creates the ripples on the water?
SB: No.
DM: Do you see the children at the other end of the lake, miles away, who are delighted to see the ripples? And do you see them jump in and create more ripples that you then receive? Do you see how I calm the air at the end of the day?
SB: No.
DM: Do you see how the mist is created, the grass and the trees? Now, scientifically, you say, “But, Mother, I understand that.” But you do not see all these things.
SB: Yes.
DM: It is the creation force. And when you put your finger or your foot in the water and splash, you are adding your creation energy to mine. It is not just what you see or think you see or feel or hear. You are more than that.
Your dilemma — and yes, it has been a very human dilemma — of how can I trust that there is more than what I immediately perceive with my senses? I suggest to you, my beloveds, that is not just the wind, but this is a good way to think of it. It is your knowing.
Your discomfort comes, your yearning comes from this restlessness, this push deep inside of you, your heart, and your soul (2) that declares, I’m more than just what you see.
How many times have you looked at somebody — a friend, a stranger, a sacred partner — and felt from the very core of your being, and yearned, wished, for that person to know that you are more than what they just see. That is your proof!
Don’t look any further! The fact that you know, when you are honest with yourself, not the false humility or the false pride, but when you look at yourself, and you know, I am more, whether you believe in past lives, future lives, above or below, in your core you think, I am more than just this shell of seeing and tasting and smelling. I am more ! — that is your proof.
SB: And part of what you refer to -I think I’m correct, and I’ll make this clear on the blog later on, Mother – is what sages call the longing for liberation, is it not? The insatiable thirst for union with you?
DM: Yes. But it is also your insatiable thirst for union with you, for my spark within you.
SB: Yes.
DM: And when you are united with your divinity, then it is like a catalytic reaction: you are united with me, and all the illusion of what is seen and unseen disappears.
SB: Hmm
DM: Because you feel and you know the love, my love and your love, and the beautiful joining. That is the sacred union.
And it is what you yearn for. But dear heart, it already is. So let us together turn that ignition switch. It is time.
SB: Well, thank you very much, Mother. I’m … so deeply in reflection here that I’m going to drift away. Thank you.
DM: Go with my love.
SB: Thank you.
DM: … and go in peace, dear hearts.
SB: Thank you, Mother.
DM: Farewell.
SB: Farewell.
(1) Many years ago I had the experience of seeing the inner universe. In a moment of meditation, I went up and up until I stood on a promontory looking out over the universe within. It was awe-inspiring.
(2) This deep push and yearning is built into us by God to keep us moving homeward to Him/Her/It. See “The Longing for Liberation” at https://goldengaiadb.com/The_Nature_of_Life_1#The_Longing_for_Liberation.