Welcome again, to a New Paradigm…
I hope that you are all basking in the glow of the New Strength Energy that has recently been brought to us, courtesy of Gaia. As of the Summer Solstice, She is now gaining strength which has been perpetuated by You, the Human Collective. Spurred not only by your desire to forge a deeper connection to Earth Mother but most importantly, by the collective energy of your physical efforts and actions.
You may be feeling stronger than ever; ready, willing and able to take the reins and head into new and uncharted waters. You will now have the energy and drive needed in order to leave old worn out patterns, people, places, circumstances and events behind that no longer are in alignment with your Lighter and Stronger self.
External change cannot occur until the internal environment has assimilated and been calibrated to the new energy. New energy has been erupting from the Earth since late September 2013 and it has taken until now for most to acclimate fully, allowing a release old and worn out paradigms.
Major changes in your lives may be occurring which may invoke fear – the fear of the unknown. Fear is nothing more than a negative, yet important aspect of the ego. Now, more than ever, fear has little ground to stand on and because of this, It will become increasingly easier to work through and “conquer” your fears.
If you normally would react fearfully in the face of change but now welcome it with Joy, you have truly evolved.
I would like to take this time to discuss the human ego, a vital aspect of the Human Self. The ego is the key through which you can access and unlock a plethora of wonderfulness that is unique to you. In addition, The Ego is what separates us from each other as without it, we would be one singular being…
(The Human ego differs from the ego of animals, which Jack will address later in an future message. However, the following analogy applies to all. )
Imagine an Ocean, filled with sparkling blue water as this is from where all souls originate. One Ocean, all joined together as one singular entity. The Hand of Creator then descends and inserts a dropper into the Ocean and plucks one droplet of water, depositing that drop onto the Earth.
More droplets of water are scooped up and too are deposited one by one, onto the Earth. What keeps the droplets separate from the Ocean Collective, is the Ego. The Ego allows each to remain one singular and unique drop of water.
The paradox lies in that the current prevailing energies prevent the majority of the water droplets from maintaining their individuality while retaining their innate remembrance of their connection to the Ocean Collective.
It is Your ego that supports and maintains your singularity, while multiple layers of fear, cemented upon layers of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual trauma have severed your conscious connection to the Ocean Collective.
Deep inside you are well aware of this innate connection yet somehow a full and sustained realization of this knowing continues to elude you.
Fear is an important and necessary survival tool. Historically fear held by the ego, allowed the individual to learn from experiences that inflicted pain and trauma in order to prevent these conditions from reoccurring. Fear was and is, a warning sign of impending doom.
As All fell deeper and farther into the dark ages, the trauma subjugated by the ego began to pull more pain into our beings. Instead of releasing us from the cycle of trauma, it held us within is grasp and then began to tighten as the energy on this planet grew heavier, darker and more dense.
Layer upon layer, lifetime after lifetime of experiencing both physical and emotional trauma-the memory of which is held by the ego- have left the body mind and soul, weary and depleted. Your soul and your spirit long to be free and reunited with the glorious and rapturous feeling of being one with the Ocean Collective. This visceral realization is just around the corner for many, Hallelujah!
Pain and suffering from the past is deeply embedded within the memory of the physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies of all beings. This is merely one reason why so many have forgotten that we are indeed interconnected on this Earthly plane. The ego, dirtied by trauma, is but one cause of the limited lifespans experienced by the inhabitants of Earth.
However, this paradigm is now shifting and over time, our lifespans will continue to increase as we collectively assimilate lighter energy and move to higher planes of consciousness and existence.
Humans and all beings will begin to live longer and more healthy lives. The human lifespan will soon begin to increase rapidly, reaching it’s zenith of living 1000-4000 years will not be extraordinary, yet this will occur far into the future.
Humans living beyond 100 years, abundantly and bountifully is occurring now and lifespans will steadily increase as the prevailing energies allow.
Even now, some species of Animals and Plants can live for hundreds or even thousands of years. Certain species of tortoise can live longer than 3 centuries. Arctic species of whales (the Bowe Whale) can live for over 4 centuries. (I researched the Bowe Whale and according to National Geographic, Bowe whales, alive today, have been found with ivory tipped spears that were used by whalers over 200 years ago.)
The oldest known tree to be alive today, lives in Sweden and is almost 10,000 years old.
A return to the ego..
Additionally- and I believe-most importantly, Your ego is Your personal key toYour Truth, which are the individual gifts, abilities, talents, wisdom and information that lie within the Universal Consciousness. By working to cleanse your ego of heavy energy (fear and trauma), accessing Your Truth will be untainted, enabling you to trust fully in the information, ideas and inspiration that you receive.
I mentioned in my last newsletter that the ego of both the individual and the Human Collective is experiencing a death. By death I am referring most specifically to a healing and/or a release of fear and trauma that the ego has held. Until recently, the prevailing energy in place, supported the collection and attraction of Fear and Trauma. As of 12/21/12, we have turned the corner towards the Light and heavier energies will begin to release and heal in a self perpetuating motion. This action of release can be enhanced by working to heal the traumas that have been cemented within the being over lifetimes.
As the Human collective works to heal themselves, Gaia heals. As humans work to heal each other, Gaia heals. As humans work to heal the animal kingdom, Gaia heals, And so on. As Gaia heals, she shares Her healing with Everything. This is possible because although there is a perceived disconnection from All That Is, in reality we are all ONE. Bear this is mind: All energy connected to your thoughts, actions, reactions, emotions and deeds permeate throughout All Of Creation.
Much Love to You All!
Jack through my faithful companion, Jean
PS from Jean: I mentioned to Jack that this message seemed heavy and dense, He told me to “Lighten Up. That’s the point of the message, by releasing and letting go of heavy energy, we will remain Light.”
To schedule a personal healing session with Jean and the Watchers, visit her website for more information or email Jean directly: