The other side of people drawing together in spiritual unions, as Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother have discussed with us, is people drawing apart in unions and friendships which, for one reason or another, haven’t worked.
This is happening as well at this time.
Moreover, many people are facing incredible challenges as incomplete situations in their lives are brought to the surface for completion. I had a reading with Archangel Michael yesterday in which he said:
“Things that have been hidden, misconstrued or misunderstood are coming to the forefront, not for exposure so much as for understanding. And for elimination, clearing, transformation so that you and that many go forward in your chosen path.” (1)
I asked about this matter because I personally have experienced a very stressful situation recently which I cannot describe because it would harm the people involved. I’m surprised that I’ve been able to write with the situation going on. But somehow I’ve managed.
As a pleasant sidenote, in the course of our discussing the matter, he even permitted a departed soul to come through and discuss it with me. That was an incredible completion for me because, while I’ve had news of her, I haven’t spoken with her directly since she passed over. “Isn’t it marvellous that we can communicate this way?” she asked. Yes, indeed it was.
But something he said in the course of the reading is germane and that’s why I mention it. He said that the challenges we’re facing right now are not meant as tests. God does not test, he said. That was a human interpretation of the matter and is not accurate.
But he did say that it was preparation for things to come down the road. We as lightworker leaders may find ourselves on occasion being assailed by various people as we go about our work of building Nova Earth. And we’ll need to walk a fine line between remaining vulnerable and protecting ourselves from undue harm.
In my own situation, he didn’t want me to stop being vulnerable. Part of the work I do is to remain vulnerable and transparent while going through all things, not just Ascension. Vulnerability is so necessary, he said, to succeed in our missions. But he did want me to protect myself.
We were told last year to expect a time of separation. SaLuSa said in late 2012:
“We see the divide on Earth becoming wider between those of the Light and those who are still held back by the lower energies.” (2)
The Pleiadian Light through Hannah Beaconsfield described the impact of these separations on us:
“Episodes of ego disconnect [separation] become painful for ascension pioneers because they are trying to navigate their changing reality while burdened with a sense of loss and emptiness.
“One of the most difficult sources of the sense of emptiness is the loss of people from your lives. Detaching from people and their influences will include those whom you have been close to: friends, family members, and those you have known through the many activities of your life.
“These disengagements may be on friendly terms, some on negative terms, and some will just drift away. You may reach a point at which you look around and think that you are all alone. Your people interactions feed you a reflection of who you are and keep you entrenched in the 3D version of yourself. The disconnections free you to transform.” (3)
They said that our separations will not necessarily be permanent but may be in some cases.
“Some of the people you lose you will reconnect with in the future, but there will be others you will never see again (in this life). This circumstance of ascension may be one of the most dismaying and one that is easily misinterpreted. Self-judgment and guilt are likely when you are losing friends.
“Understand this is not anything you’ve done wrong. And remember you are never alone. You are surrounded by spiritual support.” (4)
So it isn’t just a time of union and reunion; it’s also a time of separation from some friends and family and that adds to the challenges that we face at the moment.
It’s a blissful time but also a poignant time. Not only will we join with new friends, but we’ll miss those that have chosen not to come along with us, whether in friendship or in Ascension itself.
(1) Personal reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, Nov. 19, 2013.
(2) SaLuSa, Oct. 3, 2012, at
(3) The Pleiadian Light, “Bridging the Emptiness,” channeled through Hannah Beaconsfield, May 31, 2012. Via email.
(4) Loc. cit.