Jennifer Hoffman: The Energies of November. November 3, 2013.
November is a month whose energies lend themselves to tying up loose ends, cleaning out our emotional, mental and spiritual closets, and taking a long look at what we want to change in our lives.
That doesn’t mean we can’t start new things, but the energy may not be there to support new beginnings in an easy or graceful way right now, partly because of a pesky Mercury retrograde which is going to keep us on the path of clearing out our stuff all month. We’ll be making lots of changes this month but they may not be outwardly visible until December.
Remember that density (3D) is the last place that changes become visible, not the first. By the time they trickle down to 3D so we can ‘see’ them, they have been propagated everywhere else energetically.
Since early 2013 we have been in the process of profound transformation, individually and collectively, and if we have been avoiding certain issues, we will find ourselves facing them and having to choose our path. There are only two options now, the past or the present, one keeping us where we are, the other propelling us into an unknown future.
November begins with the fourth of seven Uranus/Pluto squares, a retrograde Mercury (in Scorpio) , and a new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio (Saturn impacts all of these and it is also in Scorpio). The forces of transformation are knocking at our collective doorway, are we going to answer? If November’s energies could speak, they would say ‘It’s time to make your move’ or at least, to consider it, because it doesn’t matter what we choose, as long as we choose something.
The comfort zone of our past is where we decide to stay when we are too afraid to confront the discomfort zone of our unknown potential. And yet, when that potential screams loudly enough, we have to put our fears aside and decide to take a look at what else is available for us. We know it’s time for a change when nothing is working and we feel stuck, but whether we are ready for that change or not and willing to take action on it is another matter.
If we look at the seven Uranus/Pluto squares as aligning with the seven chakras, as written by Carol Ciocco, then this one corresponds with the heart chakra, which is chakra four. Think of opening the heart, learning to receive, valuing ourselves, working through issues around love – in both the energetic and the emotional aspects – repairing our broken heart energy, recapturing our love energy, and learning to love ourselves. Does this resonate with any of the changes you are facing now? All blessings begin with self-love, so if you are not feeling blessed it’s time to take a self-love inventory and work on evolving into Love.
The keyword for November is excavate, or dig deeply and then to have the courage to dig a little more deeply. So much of what blocks us is waiting for us to let it go but we have to dig it up first. Many of our life experiences are now helping us to pinpoint those areas where our beliefs, experiences, attitudes, fears, judgments, and memories are locking us in place. But letting them go is just the starting point, we must also have an intention for our next steps or we’re creating a vacuum that we don’t know how to fill.
Like everything else in our lives, it’s a process, seek and find, let go and embrace, contract and expand, moving us from our past to our present, as we choose our energetic space in each moment. As I wrote for the month of November in the 2013 predictions:
“November — The month starts with Mercury retrograde, the fourth Uranus/Pluto square and an eclipse so it will be interesting. Those who are firmly grounded in the changes they have been making all year (and even all of the work they have done for the past decade) will not feel the pressure of this month. In fact, it will feel more like confirmation of the work they have done. There will be a strong feeling of the world’s people united in creating a more sustainable, loving, supportive world. ‘Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide’ comes to mind as I think of November, as those who have nothing to hide have nothing to fear. Don’t let the chaos distract you, remember — change is inevitable, chaos is optional.”
So as we move through this month, pay attention to your thoughts about the past, hurts, regrets, things you haven’t done yet and want to do, things you have avoided or feel you are now ready for, especially things from the past, which Mercury retro is good for dredging up and that happens at an enhanced level when it’s in Scorpio.
We’re ending a 19 year eclipse cycle that brings events from 1992 to 1994 forward. What did you do then and what can you do now that is different, more supportive, fulfilling, with a focus on blessing you and your life? The Mercury retrograde ends on November 10 and is completely over by the 27th so you may feel that uncovering your truths is a little more pressing, involved, or heavy, all month.
Don’t get discouraged, keep pressing forward and you will make progress. We still have one more month left in 2013 and we’re going to be working through this until the very last minute. 2014 will present us with a much different set of options and opportunities — the 2014 predictions will be posted at the end of December 2013.
If you want to review what I wrote about this part of 2013, you can read my 2013 Predictions here:
Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other users are strictly prohibited.