What are the limiting conditions on building Nova Earth, at this moment?
First of all, to the best of my knowledge, very few of us have any funds. There are rumors of NESARA but so far there’s no NESARA in sight. There have been rumors of NESARA since more than a decade ago, perhaps even two decades ago.
NESARA will come when it does, but it isn’t here now, so there are very few funds for building Nova Earth that I’m aware of. And I know lightworkers who have generously exhausted their funds supporting efforts that were believed to have been needed only until 21/12/12.
Now that horizon has been shown to extend well past that date, apparently.
Secondly, the galactics have said that they’ll assist us and that they even walk among us. But, as of today, I haven’t seen a galactic. Disclosure has been postponed numerous times. And even after Disclosure, it’s said that there’ll be a pause between it and First Contact.
Discussion of what the galactics are doing remains speculative until there’s evidence of it.
The archangels and ascended masters say as well that they participate in the process but again I’ve seen no tangible evidence that that is so. Until I do, I have to proceed as if we’re doing this by our own efforts.
We may seek advice from them, which is perhaps the only avenue open to us, but I for one cannot go forever on statements that things are occurring for which no tangible proof is provided. Sooner or later, we need to begin in the arena in which we see, hear, touch, and feel.
In fact lightworker teams are organizing to do work that costs money and they’ll be seeking funds by various means. But I’ll postpone that discussion till later.
For now I’d like to keep my attention on what we can do individually to build Nova Earth that costs no money and is done by our own efforts.
Well, clearly we can start by building Nova Earth in our own selves, our own homes and work out from there to our own neighborhoods.
Over my own self, I have almost complete sovereignty. To be sure, I must give evidence of being sane. If I appear insane, I risk being institutionalized and losing my freedom. But that’s the only limiting condition I’m aware of.
My own home is again within my extended field of awareness. It’s a domain over which I have a more limited sovereignty than I do over my own body and my field of awareness proper.
I cannot grow illegal plants in my home or use it as a center for distributing drugs – that would invite reprisals from the law and lose me my sovereignty. I cannot use my Internet connection for illegal purposes. I cannot do anything in my home that might jeopardize the safety and wellbeing of my neighbors. So we can see that there are limits on my freedom of action even in the limited domain of my home (as there should be).
But then Nova Earth is not about those kinds of activities anyways so I wouldn’t be doing them in Nova Earth either. And there will always be limits on our activities designed to protect our neighbors and the communities so that situation is not one that disappears with Nova Earth.
But working on my own, without funds to stage meetings and conferences, or hire staff or purchase elaborate communications systems, what can I do? What can we all do to build Nova Earth – either as a permanent contribution or else as a temporary contribution until whatever else that’s planned eventuates?
Well, we can surely see that we can revolutionize our lives. We have control over our own lives and we can build a life right now that embodies Nova Earth. And Archangel Michael through Ron Head has assured us recently:
“What is to be done?
“It is only necessary for you to maintain your focus on your inner selves, on connecting more and more closely with your hearts. Learn to act from that place. You will find that among the things which will happen are a knowing of what you must do next and the arrival of circumstances which will allow movement. The ‘bravery’ or ‘faith’, or whatever you wish to call what it will take to make the first step, you will find in the same place you found that knowing.” (1)
So starting with ourselves may show us what the next steps are to be.
But what would a life look like that embodies Nova Earth? I’ve taxed your reading time enough at the moment, so let me begin tomorrow with what a life might look like that embodies Nova Earth?
(1) “Archangel Michael Through Ron Head: Do What Is Yours To Do, But Keep Always In Your Hearts Your Connection To The Whole,” January 5, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/01/archangel-michael-through-ron-head-do-what-is-yours-to-do-but-keep-always-in-your-hearts-your-connection-to-the-whole/#more-159557