SaLuSa makes some interesting observations in his latest message (May 24, 2010). The first is about this year, which will see the removal of governments that served the Illuminati.
“This year is undoubtedly going to become one that will be looked back upon as having been very historic where your evolution is concerned. It is a time when your eyes will be opened to the truth, and when you begin to claim back your powers. What has been taken away from you will be returned, so that you may commence a new period of self-empowerment.
“It will take time to achieve a full restitution by lawful means, but already the ground has been prepared. Those who have ruled unjustly will move aside, to allow a more spiritually based government to take over. It will be of an interim nature until a reformation has taken place to set up one that has the approval of the people.
“Successive governments have been the puppets of the Illuminati, even if there was not complete awareness amongst the representatives. Their power has influenced policies world wide, and if necessary bribery and corruption has been used. However, the truth about their activities is being revealed, and their illegal institutions are being prepared for closure. So much is now surfacing and will continue to do so, until any facet of the dark forces presence has been removed.” (1)
The second is an acknowledgment of negative ETs. SaLuSa says:
“Of course there are negative Space Beings, but they are prevented from interfering with your Ascension.”
He adds that “no forces on or off Earth can now make any difference and we of the Galactic Federation are charged with ensuring your success.”
SaLuSa drew our attention to one group of negative ETs – the little Greys – on March 26, 2010, when he said:
“It is not to say that some E.T’s would not like to colonise Earth for its resources as they do, but your evolution is protected as it has been all along. Where contact has been made that is not in your general interest, it has been perfectly legitimate and allowed through the Law Of Attraction.
“We refer to the Greys who sought bases upon Earth, and in a deal with the U.S. Government were allowed to have them in exchange for advanced technology. Such covert actions are never for your good, but for greed, power and military domination such as you have experienced. That agreement is at an end, and has no place in your immediate future.” (2)
But, aside from this other comment, it has really been Matthew Ward who has offered the major reassurance that the dark could not longer enter Earth’s atmosphere.
Typical of Matthew’s statements is this one:
“Groups or individual souls immersed in darkness cannot approach the protective grid of Christed light energy that surrounds the planet—light is anathema to their dark essence.
“The dark forces, a vast and powerful energy field that can roam the heavens and cause chaos, even the death of entire civilizations and their planet homelands, no longer is near your solar system. When distant civilizations started beaming intense light to Earth, that force field left because it cannot tolerate light.
“The spiritually and technologically evolved civilizations that God authorized to start helping Earth about 70 years ago are unquestionably of the light. It was light from some of those powerful civilizations that drove away the dark forces.
“When it is safe to do so, some of the millions of light beings surrounding the planet in spacecraft will land to share their technology and otherwise assist Earth and her life forms, then return to their homelands.” (3)
This is an important point which has separated lightworkers into two camps. Kerry Cassidy attacked Steven Greer because the latter said at the Barcelona conference that, if the ETs were malevolent, they would have taken us over by now. Cassidy feels that there are negative ETs. So do George Kavassilas, “Ardronis,” and even Drunvalo Melchizedek.
Drunvalo made the starting statement last month in his Spirit of Ma’at magazine that Billy Meier’s Pleiadians were negative, shape-shifting ETs. Billy Meiers is the Swiss farmer who had extensive experiences with a Pleiadian team of space voyagers in the 1970s. I’ve never heard that statement before and am still having trouble accepting it.
It’s not that there aren’t negative ETs. It’s more that they are no longer permitted near the Earth. Every reiteration of this point from SaLuSa and Matthew is therefore helpful.
He makes a statement that I found comforting.
“All of the time your attention is attracted by world events, the Light is continuing to grow and is creating the protection that is necessary for your safety. In the past the scales have swung one way and then the other, but now the Light holds sway.”
I have to admit that I feel comforted by hearing that protection is available rather than hearing that the cabal also has free will and their free will has to be respected. That statement gives me pause whereas the other relaxes me.
SaLuSa then addresses Earth changes and says that there remains much to be accomplished.
“In future the path will become smoother and easier for you but allow for some disturbances, as there is a lot more clearing up to do. These are all positive moves with Ascension in mind, and within the remaining period before it takes place momentous changes will occur.
“These are unavoidable, having regard to the extent of the damage done to you and your Earth over millennia of time. It is not just a matter of restoring what you had previously, but replacing and advancing it to new levels that will lift everything up. It is all calculated to hasten the rise in your levels of consciousness, necessary for you to ascend.”
SaLuSa then offers a piece of good advice that I’ve been trying to get myself to follow. He says:
“Many awakened souls seek ways of helping others find their path, and that is welcomed at a time when some are making their first tentative search for the truth. It is recommended that you help when asked, but in replying do not shock them by trying to feed them too much at the time. Slow progress is far better that allows for information to be carefully considered, and not in any way forced upon them.”
I have from time to time buried people under information and turned them off the subject.
He assures us that there will be plenty of information later designed to help others become aware.
“There will a continual stream of revelations once we can communicate with you through your media, and with those early changes you can expect a whole series of programs designed to awaken you.”
He dangles in front of us the marvellous change that Ascension will bring.
“As time progresses you will change from one of limited knowledge to a Galactic Being of full consciousness. Then you will be the Master that you really are, and release your full potential. There will be little or no comparison to the Being you are now of limited consciousness.”
Then our journey will begin.
“After thousands of years slowly finding your way back through enlightenment, you are about to launch yourselves on a journey of immense meaning and opportunity. It is as though you have only just left the kindergarten, and are seeing for the first time the world outside.
“There are wonders and amazing experiences awaiting you, and once you learn more about them we know that you will never look back at this time. Your experiences in duality will have proved beneficial, and you will never need to walk that path again.”
He says again, as he has on a number of other occasions, that the time to decide whether we wish to ascend or not is coming soon.
“The Galactic Federation and Spiritual Hierarchies believe you are sufficiently awakened to accept the opportunity of Ascension that is being offered you. It requires little in return, and you will know if you are ready to take a quantum leap into the future, and whether you are on the path to Ascension.
“Many will have already made that decision, but those who are undecided will not be denied their chance to join you, but time is becoming short. A decision will have to made one way or the other very soon, as the alternative to Ascension is further experiences in a place of duality. We would wish for you all to ascend but your freewill to choose otherwise is paramount.”
I emerged from reading this message feeling more reassured than I had before, energized and restored to a relaxed state that has been jangled by the occurrence of so many drastic Earth changes in the past while.
(1) SaLuSa, May 24, 2010, at
(2) SaLuSa, March 26, 2010, ibid.
(3) Matthew Ward, Sept. 21, 2009, at