If I recall correctly, David Wilcock discusses this development, along with other solar-system changes, in 2012 Event Horizon.
New Pictures Show Jupiter Is Missing a Stripe
by Hugh Collins
May 13, 2010
(Thanks to Ellie Miser)
(May 13) — New pictures of Jupiter show that a huge band of dark clouds that normally surrounds the giant planet has vanished.
The planet’s appearance usually is dominated by two dark bands in its atmosphere — one in the north and another in the south — along with the Giant Red Spot, an enormous storm that is more than twice the size of Earth.
All three were visible at the end of last year before the planet went behind the sun. When it re-emerged last month, new pictures from Australian astronomer Anthony Wesley showed the southern cloud band was nowhere to be seen.
“It just doesn’t look right,” amateur astronomer Bob King of Duluth, Minn., wrote on his blog AstroBob. “Jupiter with only one belt is almost like seeing Saturn when its rings are edge-on and invisible for a time.”
This is not the first time the southern band has gone missing. It vanished in the 1990s and was also absent in 1973 when NASA took its first close-up pictures of the planet, according to New Scientist.
The disappearing band may be the result of changes in the color of the clouds that make it up, scientists believe. According to this theory, the band is obscured when whitish clouds form at its top, making it harder to see, New Scientist said.
Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, more than 1,000 times bigger than Earth. The planet is a giant ball of gas and liquid with little or no solid surface. [Actually, according to Matthew Ward and his informants, Jupiter is not a giant ball of gas and liquid. It does have life. See footnote 1 ]
Wesley is already looking forward to seeing the southern band return, an event he hopes will happen this year or next.
“Jupiter is a joy to observe,” he told Space.com. “You can be sure there is always something violent and interesting going on.”
(1) Prior to 2001, Matthew Ward communicated the following to Suzy Ward: “I’ve mentioned my friend, Hugo [and] his work with the plant and animal life on Jupiter. …
Hugo then speaks to Suzy Ward:
“I am known in [the afterlife planes] mostly for relating the history of the formation of Jupiter and its subsequent animal and plant experimentation. As Matthew has told you, I spend most of my incarnate lifetimes on that planet. I’m not one of the large insect-like beings he described, but I do incarnate on Jupiter in a shape other than this etheric body you are now seeing.
“I know Matthew said those individuals are rather strange, and he is not incorrect about that, but he is not as correct about their being emotionless. He is just unaware of the emotions that are deeply hidden within those beings due to their isolation from other civilizations. They are emotions that don’t ‘rock the boat,’ in your term, so maybe they aren’t noticeable to observers.
“My people and I are not suprahuman, as those other caretakers are. I don’t possess the high degree of intelligence development as they, but I have progressed beyond them in other ways by living in this realm between my incarnations on Jupiter. I am here now for learning more of the spiritual nature so that when I return—yes, I wish to soon return—I will have this additional knowledge of spiritual growth to share with my people there.
“The last time I was on Jupiter was about 40 years ago in your counting, and I have been here [i.e., the spirit planes] since that lifetime.”
Hugo communicates again with Suzy Ward in 2008:
“I returned to Jupiter two years ago in your counting and am overseeing the development of new plant life that will replace your world’s reliance on animals as food. As Matthew has told you, flesh-eating will become unpalatable as people learn to respect the sanctity of animal life, and many will welcome other sources of protein with the same familiar flavors and consistency.
“These plants will be introduced along with many other products and technologies when it is safe for your astral brotherhood to identify themselves and begin overtly assisting you to rapidly move forward in ways that will astonish you. That is, perhaps not so astonishing to you and other light-working souls, but to the masses of people who are living godly lives without understanding where the mammoth changes underway are leading. They see the old ways breaking down but don’t know that when the phoenix rises from the ashes, so to say, a brilliant world awaits. ” (Matthew Ward, Revelations for a New Era: Keys to Restoring Paradise on Earth. Revised 2009; first published 2001. Part V, “Human Cloning.”)