The demolition of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon buildings was the occasion for declaring a “war on terrorism” and going to war in Afghanistan and Iraq. In reality, the 9/11 operation was being planned for decades by the shadow government to extend American hegemony into areas deemed essential for Americans to control.
the 9/11 truth movement created a huge presence at a recent L.A. anti-war march, pointing out that manipulation of Americans through the 9/11 false-flag operation was the causus belli, the cause of or justification for the Middle-Eastern wars, the new Pearl Harbor.
One marcher said that 9/11 Truthers previously needed to hand out 9/11 DVDs, but at L.A. people lined up to secure them. Apparently the message of how we were hoaxed into global conflict against a non-existent terrorist threat is really starting to get out there, which is certainly something I am behind and support.
Many people today refuse to believe that their government could or would murder its own citizens. But they have done that – in staggering numbers. The official death toll for the 9/11 false-flag operation is somewhere around 3,00 plus. But the actual death toll, I am persuaded, may be closer to 50,000.
Once one has accepted that 9/11 was an inside job, it behooves us to take a second look at the destruction of the Murrah building in Oklahoma, the London bombings, the Madrid bombings, all the attempts to bomb airplanes. I say we will find that these two have been operations of the governments involved, to create a “New World Order” in which the people are enslaved by a global elite that controls the top levels of all institutions.
I used to be one of the people responsible in Canada for ruling on who is a refugee and who is not. After retiring and beginning to research these subjects, I was sickened to realize that my decisions had been made using American and British human-rights documents which were all skewed by the New World Order’s agenda of world hegemony.
I was unknowingly complicit in reinforcing untrue and negative stereotypes of Muslims, in extending American control throughout the world by buying bogus explanations of the Bali bombings, the African embassy bombings, the South Asian tsunami, etc., etc.
I recently talked to one of my Immigration and Refugee Board colleagues about 9/11 and was laughed out of court, so to speak. I was kicked out of a local spiritual group in part for my 9/11 beliefs. I will be glad when the world wakes up to how we are being manipulated but I also know what heartache it will cause the slumberers to actually need to admit to themselves that their own governments are corrupt and murderous.