Here I am in the wee hours of Christmas morning, having awoken from a significant dream which I thought needed to be recorded.
So Merry Christmas everyone! It’s 1:40 a.m.
One of the channels recently said that we would be experiencing dreams of significance in the near future. I cannot recall who, but I welcome your reminding me.
I’ve had three dreams lately which have significance for me (lots more don’t seem to have any). These three not only do, but their significance expands as the dreams progress.
In the first I’m walking down the road with President Barack Obama. It’s like a road in an out-of-the-way place, perhaps a retreat. He’s dressed in a blue-serge overcoat, quite spiffy, and walks with self-possession.
I’m dressed in a beige overcoat and I’m acting like James Spaader’s “dweeb” in Stargate, carrying an assortment of documents under my arm. He talks calmly; I’m a little less self-possessed!
We reach a house with stairs leading up to a verandah and begin to climb them, him ahead of me. When we enter the door, I wake up.
Strange enough right there because I seldom see or recognize historical personalities within my dreams. Stranger still because, after I got out of bed, went to the bathroom, came back and went to sleep again, I hitched up again with the same dream, at a point soon after I’d left it.
Now I was seated on a couch and other people were there. I recognized two as writers and said to myself, “OK, that’s why we’re here.” I don’t know the two of them from my waking life.
Mr. Obama was in the other part of the large living room that had a slight indent for a partition. I needed more space so I went into the first room and Mr. Obama introduced the person who would be speaking first.
That person spoke so softly, I asked him to speak louder. Very soon after that part of the dream, I woke up and did not again return to it.
The next night I was sitting by a fountain on a sunny day and President Dwight D. Eisenhower was walking towards me. He was dressed in a freshly-pressed beige uniform, not the field type he would have worn during the war.
He sat down and almost immediately I told him a bit about my personal history and said that I couldn’t work for anything associated with what he had called, in his farewell presidential address, the “military industrial complex.” He smiled at me briefly as it were not a concern and began to talk. I woke up.
Perhaps two days have elapsed and I had a dream last night that made these first two somehow more real.
I dreamt that I was at a summer camp with a bunch of other people. We were sleeping all over the grounds, had an adventure when it started to rain, and then got down to work.
We were each given a kind of shallow white box, as wide as two Monopoly boxes.
There were icons, such as you would see on your computer, in the box. Perhaps I should call them mini-blocks or blocks because they had three dimensions, with the name of the icon on the top. They worked by being pressed.
I had numerous blocks in my box and they all had names that were short combinations of letters and numbers. The only one I remember was OS 0.1. That was quite clear to me: Operating System 0.1.
I also had the thought that it didn’t matter which one I pressed. All were important. All added some faculty to me that I had not had before.
I began pressing them one by one and felt happier predominantly. I cannot remember other changes. It was as if I were expanding.
These blocks could be moved around, but they remained wherever I moved them to. Each one was meant for me as much as the next person’s box was meant for that person.
I knew that we were collectively getting an upgrade.
All we had to do to experience the impact of the upgrade was to press the icon.
There was no one exerting any pressure on us. The icons in our box were constantly being added to. No one added them in person. They just appeared.
There was no sense within myself that I was being captured, such as by M.K. Ultra. I was quite excited as was everyone else. I would press one block and then enjoy the result.
And, in the midst of it all, I woke up.
I’ll be interested to know if I recover the dream upon returning to bed.
I took away from that dream the feeling that we are somehow, at some time, going to get an upgrade. Not like I have any idea of whether that is true or not.
But, based on my experience in the dream, I’d consider that a wonderful Christmas gift!