Skye is bored, because she’s now being “monitored closely,” and is greatly restricted in what she’s allowed to do. It seems that she’s gotten the OK to relieve her boredom by giving us an update, though. Her livestreamed med bed session is still on target for the 17th, and because of the threat of tracking, she’ll have to quit using all technology starting Wednesday.
Notes ~
- Skye’s session is still on track for the 17th of December, one week from tomorrow. It will only be shown on the YouTube channel above, scheduled to start at 11:00 a.m. Sydney, Australia time.
- The unaware folks may not notice much has changed, but the rest of us will be experiencing greatness and wonderment in the coming WEEKS…accessing our 5D reality.
- Her Secret Space Program memories have all been around med beds, nothing else comes through.
- The med beds are in place and ready to go.
- She thinks we’re still a little way off from getting Q~phones, and the release of those and of replicators will be slow.
- Skye advises us to focus on what we want to experience rather than what we don’t. Always worth a reminder, that is…especially when we’re practically swimming in a sea of dreadful news on the daily.
- She points out the bad stuff is all either ending or is already ended at this point.
- Celestial chambers aren’t built yet.
- The RV doesn’t need to happen first, because now the military is going to administer the rollout of med beds.
- Partying is going on, she’s heard just hours ago; champagne bottles are being opened, and it has to do with the RV. Alliance peeps are happy.
- She does feel it’s all happening by Christmas. Moving it to January, she believes, would turn many people against the White Hats.
- One session in a med bed will do for the vast majority of folks.
- Skye was asked if she’s scared about her session, and she replied that she absolutely isn’t, and that she’s been using them for 80 years now and knows them inside and out.
- We’ll be able to recognize her after her treatment. She’ll be required to do a couple of livestreams each week for a few months to update everyone about how she’s doing / feeling..
- Every country already has med beds installed in military bases and other places. Others are still being delivered.
- NESARA has already started. GESARA is starting.
- At around 46 minutes in, the sound was muffled until 48:38.
- Skye points out that we have to be authentic in our lives, because we’re about to be telepathic. You can’t lie with telepathy. What we say and what we think has to match when we’re working with Galactics.
- Med beds will bring us to enjoy perfect health in every way except for mindset. That, we must address ourselves.
- Skye’s life has not actually been threatened, although that was the initial report coming out. The situation is that desperate people who have criminal connections have been tapping into her phone / computer in order to be able to track her location on the 17th, to see where she goes then, and to track her afterwards to then find out from her directly where the beds are. That’s why from Wednesday on, she’s to go offline in every way.
- It’s for her safety and that of her family.
- She speaks of a memory block that keeps her from accessing information about how the med beds work.
- Skye is advising people with projects to go forward with them without depending on getting replicators, because it’s currently unknown when they’ll be rolled out…but be ready for change literally at any given moment.
- ALL the children in the tunnels have been saved; all done. That’s what she’s been told, it’s what she believes and feels…and that the Inner Earth is happy. I surely do like that idea a lot.
- Skye speaks of several potential future timelines, saying that another dimension [timeline?] has already opened up, and that’s the one where the Solar Flash has occurred, and those who are ready for the 5D Earth will move into this new “dimension.”
- The 5D folks will be as Spirit to those still in this world that we’re in right now.
- Another potential timeline is that those who don’t want to ascend, or who aren’t ready to move on will just literally pass away. What is left is the 5D New Earth.
- No one knows for sure until it happens.
- Skye is assuring us that if the livestream doesn’t take place on the 17th, it doesn’t mean a delay in the med beds, just a delay in the livestream.
- Skye has several different intel providers: From the Galactics, she’s in contact with Pleiadians and Venusians, mostly. She also liaises with contacts in the SSP, and with med bed specialists within the military.
- She speaks of technology that’s already in place and being used that can detect the frequency of all beings in a given area. Should a low vibe, skulking kind of miscreant show up anywhere within its purview, they’ll get quite sick and have to leave. She believes that this is what will be used to protect where the beds are being used / held.
- The subject of time travel came up, and she says that things in the bible (or whatever holy book) coming to pass is because the people who wrote the stories have been directing the play.
- We’ll get the information needed in order to make our med bed appointment at our redemption meeting. As I recall, she said a while back that during her livestreamed session, numbers to call will flash on the screen. That wasn’t mentioned again, but I’m thinking that hasn’t changed.
- Skye stresses that the med beds can heal / fix anything and everything physical. Since dementia and Alzheimer’s are actually physical, they can be healed completely in a med bed session. Mental issues, like the ones that make us overeat or engage in self-sabotage, have to be addressed by us in some way, but the beds can make us thin and fit.
- It’s up to us to remain so, and I feel certain that continual med bed encounters for weight loss will not ever be a thing.
- She slipped it in there that “you’ll be able to add another language…” That actually opens up a whole world of possibilities in my view. “Everyone will have their chance as a student in a med bed as well.” My mind goes wild at this point with visions of getting the Neo Download of any number of proficiencies.
- Skye moves on to the next question about weight loss. If one has a great deal of weight to lose, it will be done in several sessions, probably 3 months apart. In between sessions, it would be expected that the individual would be mindful about losing the weight themselves; contributing to and participating in the process.
- She’s spoken of it before, but med beds for animals come in 3 sizes, from mice to horses. Animals of a more grand stature, like elephants, rhinos and giraffes, etc. will have other technology for their healing.
Replacing teeth will just be part of the general healing.
“The White Hats have got the dark stuff covered. They don’t need your help. They need you to focus on what you want. Observe the bad stuff and focus on the good stuff…what’s coming.”
You may or may not be aware that Skye and her family are living in a motel, and not by choice. They got there after their landlord evicted them for asking for air conditioning, then subsequently blacklisting them as problem tenants.
You can imagine the low vibe in such a living situation, and I just know that there are a whole bunch of folks who’ll join us in saying a prayer for everyone who isn’t living in a safe home of their own.