I think we as a society are going through one baseline after another of social behavior. A baseline of behavior for me is one or more norms for behavior that society as a whole agrees on or tends towards.
The Arcturians through Sue Lie described one of them:
“The years of 1996 to 2003 were the darkest times since the fall of Atlantis. These times were even darker than your World Wars because these were times when your entire planet was on the edge of complete domination and/or destruction. That reality still exists, but at a much lower frequency.” (1)
I personally would have extended that date past 2003 – perhaps to as late as 2010.
And I’d call the baseline of social behavior the Arcturians were pointing at criminality.
Whether we were aware of it or not, as a world society, I think we were being dragged down into criminal and corrupt behavior by our governments and their agencies.
Government and agency involved themselves in false-flag operations, engineered warfare, the rape of nations, the erosion of civil rights, the drug trade, fraudulent financial operations, chemtrails, pandemics, GMOs, weather warfare, etc.
A steady diet of crime dramas on TV persuaded us that life was not safe. So-called action-hero movies inculcated in us an “us against them” mentality. Much flag-waving lent a veneer of patriotism and respectability to this brand of social manipulation.
Our opinion makers and leaders seemed hell bent to have us descend into violent and opportunistic behavior. We’ve wholly or partly emerged from that chapter in our history. As the energies pull us higher, so our social behavior seems to be evolving upwards.
I think the next baseline came for everyone who accepted that we were in a unique transformational corridor in time. That next baseline was release. All of us who accept the global shift in consciousness have agreed to release the patterns of behavior that haven’t worked. We’ve been in this baseline period of release for several years now, some longer than others. We’ve let go of much of our negativity, conditioning, and constructed self.
I think the baseline of social behavior towards which we’re headed is what I’d call social maturity. I’d rather not define what I mean by that because I think a rich discussion can be had that will be educational fr all and I’d rather not slant that discussion right off the starting block.
I can say what I sense about it. I sense that mature social behavior is what’s left once we release our negative tendencies and social narcissism. It’s implicit in humanity and simply needs the overburden of negativity and irresponsibility removed.
Mature behavior is marked by accountability, harmlessness, forward thinking, and cautiousness. Immature behavior is marked by unaccountability, potential harmfulness, a lack of foresight and a lack of caution.
A mature social order strikes me in its most general form as things getting better and better rather than getting worse and worse. Social maturity leads to wisdom, love, and harmony. It builds the confidence that allows a society to found workable social institutions that resolve social conflict and ensure the well-being of all a society’s citizens.
A society being sent towards its own devolution, as ours was until around, say, three years ago, is a society that cares little for its members apart from looking out for Number One, seeing to me and mine.
Such a society doesn’t feel that the commonwealth should pay for its ailing members, that social problems should be addressed by society, or that there should be equality or even freedom except in relation to a person’s political and other forms of power.
But a society being guided as ours is towards the divine qualities, socially central of which is compassion, experiences a growing caring for its members. Such a society sees itself as responsible for its ailing members, holds that social problems should be addressed by society, and believes that equality and freedom are independent of a person’s political and other forms of power. It sees them as inalienable rights.
Social immaturity seems to suggest the childhood of humanity and social maturity seems to suggest its adulthood. I found myself asking, in relation to social questions that arose for me: What does maturity say? And what the answer to that question was, in any one instance, interested me. I welcome a behavioral baseline of social maturity.
The thought arose in me that social maturity is the minimum level of behavior at the present time that unites us as a civilization headed for Ascension. I have a strong hunch there’ll be other stages that become the baseline later on – or the floor of our common behavior. But this is as far as I think I see at the moment.
(1) “The Arcturians – Living Your Highest Point of Perception,” by Suzanne Lie, Dec. 31, 2012, at https://suzanneliephd.blogspot.co.uk/.)