When we process a vasana or upset and we think we’ve arrived at the source of it, at what’s really driving us, is there a way to know if we’ve found the truth?
Absolutely there is. Jesus said that: “The truth shall make you free.” (1) If we feel a newfound freedom, if we feel relief or release from the unpleasant feelings, the unwanted condition or tension in the body, then chances are we’ve found the truth of our situation.
If we feel no release, better try again. No cheese down that tunnel. No truth there unfortunately.
I actually use this test for the truth when souring or completing my vasanas. Oftentimes one vasana sourced leads to another beneath it. I watch to see if I’m experiencing greater and greater release to see if and when I’ve gotten to the bottom of whatever’s troubling me. If after sourcing a vasana I still don’t feel myself in complete release, I go for the next one.
Multiple vasanas going off one after the other we used to call “a stack attack.” One vasana might be signalled by a feeling of irritation; the one below it by a feeling of dread; the one below that by another feeling altogether. But the increased feeling of release I experience with each vasana completed tells me that I’m going in the right direction.
This entire illusory universe, this playground that we spend our lives in, was organized around the Truth. The reason any of us “separated” from God in the first place was to play a game of blind man’s bluff. We donned masks and then attempted to find the Truth, the Reality, the One.
We finger puppets painted faces on ourselves and spent a few thousand lifetimes pretending we were individuals, all the time joined at the hip to God.
We children of God left the family home, migrated to the city, endlessly enjoyed masked balls, and now have grown weary. Our substance having been wasted, our senses jaded, we return to the parental home as prodigal children, begging to be let back in again.
Of course I’m exaggerating and having fun. But what lies underneath it nevertheless is that we’ve embarked on a long, long return journey from God to God. And it isn’t a physical journey. Not really.
It’s a journey from untruth to truth. We seek the Truth of our nature. We seek to know who we are. We seek to know the Origin and the Destination of our wanderings.
And God is that Truth, Origin and Destination.
God is who we are. When we discover the smaller truths of our being, we experience release and relief from what binds us. But when we come upon greater and greater truths, we’re freed from greater and greater conditions.
Upon Ascension, which is the equivalent in enlightenment terms of Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi, we experience a level of truth that will set us free from the need to be reborn into “physical” reality. (2)
Even though we always were eternal and immortal beings, we now no longer need to enter into a series of bodies by the birth process. If we want a change in form, we simply will it.
The truth will set us free and the ultimate Truth will see us surrender our individuality altogether and merge with God. My understanding, from Archangel Michael, is that this still is not the end.
Having ended one cycle of existence, we have the choice to enter into another. We have the choice to leave the Father again and go out into the illusory world, the playground, to increase our knowledge of experience, life and love.
(1) John 8:32.
(2) I say “physical” because only the Father is not a thing, not matter, not even a vibration. Everything below the Father is material; it’s simply progressively more refined matter the higher we go in dimensionality. Moreover, as long as it has individuality, even in a formless form, it’s still an object; God is the one and only Subject of all.