This is an extract from the program, specifically on the Tsunami of Love and its effects.
An Hour with an Angel with Archangel Michael, April 3, 2014
There are many things that we can and will speak of this day. But let us begin by simply saying this very simple statement. Yes, the Mother has a plan, and it is the unfoldment of the divine plan and the restoration of love on this beautiful planet, with a domino effect throughout the galaxies.
But she would not be creating and sending you these gifts — of clarity, of purity, the beginning of the tsunami followed by the soul event — if your hearts were not open, prepared and welcoming of this energy.
There are times in human, Earth, galactic and inter-galactic histories when the energy of Source, of Mother/Father One, has certainly bowled people over, whether they are starseed or humanoids or hybrids or even angelics. But that is not the phase of evolution that you are now within, and that is not the plan for the human race.
You are at a place in your collective, human, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual evolution where you are ready to step forward. So it is in many ways that you are meeting the Mother halfway.
You are meeting us halfway. That is one of the reasons why we have used this analogy, this allegory of the wave coming to the shore, because you can rush down to the shore and meet us.
But let us be very clear, you’re preparation can be on a mountaintop or a desert, in a high-rise in an urban center — it does not matter. What matters is your ascent, your assent, your consent, your agreement and your desire, your heartfelt yearning, not only for love, but for change, for creation and recreation, for recovery and rediscovery.
Increasingly, at every level — yes, even amongst the most petulant — there is a desire to not only create the new but to experience the new. Within each person’s heart, their heart consciousness, their soul, is that spark of light, of love, of energy, however you conceive of it, that yearns and is increasingly demanding and commanding to meet that spark of energy [the soul] in the outer reality.
So you are doing this in how you are engaging in your work, in your play, in your work with us, in sacred union, in union with family and friends and community. You, all of you, and particularly, yes, my beloved lightworkers, you are declaring yourselves as ready to engage in a higher realm.
And that higher realm is not merely dimensional. It is the realm of love. It is the realm of purity. It is the realm of truth, of what you think of as the divine qualities, not just one, this or that, but all of them, to be that embodiment not of the truth of who we are but of who you are. Nothing could be more exciting.
And that, I tell you, is a huge statement to those of you who wait with bated breath for financial reorganization, for disclosure, for societal change. So I tell you, nothing is more exciting to us and to you than the opening of your heart and the seeking, not merely sitting in the void yearning, but the seeking of love, the creating of situations, of environments, of relationships where love is the essence and the truth.
Now, many of you have not fully embraced the concept or the construct that you are love. You are getting better. You are going forward. You are engaging in a deeper form of love — with your children, with your parents, with your friends, with your sacred partner, even with us.
But one of the key elements is also fully engaging in that love of self, of acknowledging not merely your worth or your worthiness, but your own magnificence, your own might, your own power in the purest sense of the word.
I do not say these words to compliment you, or even to convince you, for we have been trying to convince you of this literally for billions of years.
I say this as a request to explore inside and to see what shines there, and to embrace this truth that is you, and from that, to allow this spark of light to explode and expand, like a supernova.
This is how Nova Earth is created. It is not merely by acknowledging that you have the power to create, or that you have destroyed the old illusions. It is by exploding forth in joy, in laughter, in glee, in love to do what you have chosen to do during this lifetime, during this very particular incarnation, because there is not one of you who did not come to participate in this Ascension.
It is just that simple. You would not have come. Each of you has wonderful unique roles, variations on a theme that is central to the creation of the universe, but unique expressions within that. So we invite you, we implore you, go exploring within. Allow yourself to see, to know and to be who we know you to be.
Now, dear heart, where do you wish to begin this day?
SB: Well, I know you know what I’m already going to ask, in part because you used a word in your introductory remarks that was exactly the word I’m going to be asking you about. But, if I may, I’d like to read a passage from your November 8th Hour with an Angel, because that’s what I want to ask you about, if that’s okay.
AAM: Yes.
SB: The passage is:
“The key to the success of sacred unions is freedom, complete liberation, and the acknowledgment, not lip service but on the deepest soul level, of the freedom of the person that you are joining with the sanctity — yes, the sanctity — of their path, of their choices, of their desires, of their decisions. So there is no push and pull. It is the ebb and flow; it is the infinity” — and by that I think you mean the infinity sign, the figure-eight of love that flows between people — “it is the tide.”
Now, the question I have is, those last words, “ebb and flow, infinity, the tide,” they invoke in me thoughts of flow, Lord. And I want to know if flow is the paradigm of the new Fifth Dimension, the new way of life and love, the way to the kingdom of heaven. That is my question.
AAM: It is a very good question. Flow is one of the ways, and the aspects, the elements, of which you may consider and experience, because it is not just to be observed; it is to be lived and experienced in the Fifth Dimension.
Now, one of the qualities of the Fifth Dimension is also the ability to manage and experience, to embrace change. Now, how can you do this in a loving, flowing way if you are not in the ebb and flow, if you are not like the tide, if you are not like the seasons?
You have many sayings — for the coming of spring or the leaving of winter or the coming of summer — but do you really think that spring pushes out either summer or winter? No. They interconnect. And in that joining of moisture and sun, of earth and air, of all the elements, the new is born.
Your experience in the old Third — and I do not wish to be judgmental; this is merely the statement of fact — the experience and the way of operating, and the reason why sacred union has been so rare, is that it was based on push and pull. It was based on a feeling of compromise in the worst sense of the word.
Compromise is a wonderful word, but not in the sense that you have known it. How can you possibly have freedom, liberation, when someone is telling you, above, below, or in between, what to do or how to do it? How can anyone, outside of your beloved sacred self, demand or determine how you go about your sacred journey?
The entire purpose of sacred union is exchange, support, the experience of love without shackles, the complementarity. And that is why, so often, we have used the visual of puzzle pieces interlocking at one or two points of conjuncture, but not engulfing one another, allowing for the expansiveness.
How can you be a ballet dancer if your arms are tied, if your feet are tied? How can your love flow out of your heart, not only to your sacred other, but to them and through them and with them to your community, to your family, to your planet, to your brothers and sisters of the stars, if they are impeded?
In the old Third, you are intergalactic experts at conditional love. And that is quite a feat. And it is, “I will love you if….” “I will love you, but….” You will never hear that from us. And as you are moving to the Fifth, you will never hear it from yourself or from each other.
Now, Gaia is on the move again — yes, news of the day. And you are on the move again. And this is part of what we have spoken of in terms of your Ascension process. But it is being in the flow, and you cannot determine how to be in the flow, because it is new behavior, on every level.
But you cannot be in that flow if you are not in the flow with your sacred self. When we have spoken of sacred union, we have repeatedly said the first relationship is with your sweet self, and to be and to know — maybe not everything, but to respect that each of you has an ebb and flow.
And you know this spiritually, you know this physically — that there are days when you are full of vim and vigor, and there are days where you wish to be more quiet, reflective. There are days emotionally where you are wide open with yourself and everyone you meet, and then there are days when you wish to travel more deeply within.
There are days when you are razor sharp mentally, where you wish to engage in intellectual or cutting edge conversation, and then there are days when you would like to simply curl up with a good novel.
You have your ebb and flow. So, yes, liberation.
We have given you so many different formulas, and certainly Linda and Graham have spent a great deal of time with InLight Radio discussing creation formulas, etc. But think of this formula. Love… and rather than an equal sign place the infinity sign, that sideways 8, and see it as an = Love ∞ liberation.
Post it on your wall. Post it on your forehead. Post it on your website, because that’s what it is. You cannot say that you are engaging, truly, in love with yourself or love with another if you are using the words should, ought, need. It doesn’t work.
Is that clear?
SB: Very clear. I think I said that in an article today, as a matter of fact, Lord, what you just said.
Well, my next question is, if our listeners could imagine a graphic of the evolution of the human race, they might see — of course, this is not true; this is not how it happened — but, ape, Neanderthal Man, Cro-Magnon man, and Homo sapiens. We are going through an evolution right now, and the next step on the evolution is the tsunami of love, and the next step after that is Ascension.
Can you talk to us about the differences between the tsunami of love and Ascension, as if one is Cro-Magnon man and one is Homo sapiens? What’s going to happen at the tsunami of love? What’s going to happen differently at Ascension?
AAM: Think of it this way: the tsunami of love of is the gift, once again, in an ever-increasing velocity of the Mother’s essence. So there have been various gifts and stages, and as we have said, those gifts have not dissipated or disappeared. If anything, they have been built upon and built upon and built upon.
The Mother has declared — and it is already being sent — that you, each of you, in your physical beings, in what you think of or are coming to think of as your inter-dimensional selves, many facets, many aspects of your being, your soul design, maintaining your physical self, are ready to have a greater experience of what the love, the fullness of love, feels like and especially how it is incorporated as it flows through you.
You see, this is why we use the analogy of the tide, of the ebb and flow, of the wave. Love is not something that you hold on to. Now, you have lived in an evolutionary stage where you would have held on tight to most everything you have, and of course that has caused death and disease and hardship and pain. And even when you were in pain there has been a tendency to hold on to it and treasure it, as if it were the crown jewels.
Love is the energy of the universe. It is the energy of the Mother. And it moves constantly, continually, eternally, infinitely. So, to have an experience of love is, it moves through you. Now, does it fill you? Does it restore you? Does it nourish you? Does it alter you? Does it change you? Does it give you that evolutionary jump? Yes. It nourishes you, but it also clears you out. In some ways, it will purge many of your remaining illusions.
So, for some, will it be dramatic? Yes. But it will also be gentle, because it is love. So the human beings can choose to have high drama or not, but the essence of the love is not high drama.
It is pervasive. It is not something that you can stop and start. Does it ebb and flow? Yes, because it is in constant motion. It is the Mother giving you the preview, and the upgrade, as it were, evolutionary upgrade, which will affect also your physical being, your DNA, so that you are prepared, freely and openly, to fly through your Ascension portal without your baggage.
You cannot bring all of your baggage, all that you have clung to, through that portal. And that is particularly true for the collective. There would not be enough storage space for all of you to bring your baggage.
So it is a cleansing, it is an upliftment, it is an upgrade, it is a nourishment, it is the Mother getting you ready to go to the prom.
SB: I think some of our listeners just might want to know what you mean by baggage. You mean our vasanas and issues and upsets, is that not correct?
AAM: That is correct. It is your vasanas. It is your issues. It is your collective false belief systems.
SB: Right. Here’s one question I have that comes from my own experience. In spiritual literature it is said that the vasanas are not erased until a level of enlightenment called sahājā nirvikalpa samādhi, which is Ascension.
We’re going through the tsunami of love. Will our vasanas lift and be erased and eradicated in the tsunami of love? The reason I ask this is because if people go through the tsunami of love, turn to their sacred partner and expect them to be vasana-free, so to speak, and they’re not, it could be a very big upset for them. They may look upon their partner as deficient or something.
So will the tsunami of love erase our vasanas or not?
AAM: Think of it this way. Now, you can cling to your vasanas, should you wish to, or your false belief systems, but it will make you move like sludge through the Ascension process. So this is your opportunity to cleanse. You can think of it as moving you to Vasana Lite.
Now, what do I mean by this? There are times when people revert. If something in their life goes awry, people revert to whatever their issue or their belief system is. Their core issue, their vasana — “Love never works for me,” “I never get what I need,” “The world is a harsh place,” “Struggle is reality.” And none of this is true. So this will wash away.
Now, can you reclaim it? It will be sitting on the beach. Would you wish to reclaim it? No. Now that does not mean that you are home free, yet. We are talking about the tsunami. There will still be some imprints, so there will be further raising in the vibration. But many of you have already been doing this clearing.
So this is an extra, extra, extra clearing, but it is also imbedding in you, yes, even in the constant movement, it is imbedding in you, throughout that wave that moves through you. Think of it as giving electrolytes to yourselves. It is imbedding in you the molecules, the atoms, the subatomic fibers of love that say to you, “This is what I want. And I don’t really want that old garbage, so I’m willing to let it go.”
And on a collective, especially collective, level, this is necessary — for the collective to be able to ascend. Now, each of you has a unique position in all of this. And as we have said, there are many of you who are working already on the anchoring of this energy of the tsunami, who are becoming, part and parcel, the molecules of the wave, of the water, of the love, so that there will be that deeper penetration and it will not feel like a deluge.
Each person has, and will have, a unique experience of the tsunami, but the consistency will be — and for many, for the first time in their entire life — that they will truly feel what it is not only to be loved, but to be the love, to have it inside of them.
SB: Well, I can certainly vouch for that, Lord. I’m practically blissed out, as we speak! I’m sure the love is pouring through your broadcast.