I’m hunkered down today, putting pieces of the bigger puzzle in place. I may not get it done before I need to go to a Vipasssana Retreat this evening and through the weekend. It also may be a good idea not to drop the puzzle on you today and then leave for a weekend retreat! […]
Speculation on the Bigger Picture
Supposing Tenth Fleet is being assembled, not to provide a home for “Cybercommand” (or “Cybercom”), but to ease truth-telling about “Solar Warden,” the secret space fleet, and to prepare the ground for ET/UFO disclosure. Why is this elaborate dance necessary? Let’s put a few more knights on the chessboard. Keep in mind that it was […]
Tenth Fleet and Disclosure – Part 1/2
What follows are two articles by Ed Komarek, posted to the UFO Digest in April 2010, speculating that the Navy’s reactivation of Tenth Fleet has less to do with the creation of “Cybercommand,” as is it does with making the public ready for acknowledgment of the secret space fleet and ET/UFO disclosure. One admission of […]
Tenth Fleet and Disclosure – Part 2/2
After discussing the Navy League meeting with Open Minds Forum, the Pickering Brothers received a lot of flak from the group. Much of this article deals with that and I’ve removed the rather tortuous discussion. What I’ve left in is the meat around the discussion of disclosure in the military and among Washington insiders. If […]
PRG On Oil Usage and Free Energy
Stephen Bassett makes the point about oil usage and free energy quite well in a press release just out from Paradigm Research Group. Notice how oil usage, pollution, free energy, and disclosure are feeding off each other as issues. Is this an accident? I think the galactics wanted these dots connected. Thanks to Su. PRG […]
The Arcturians: On the Cusp of Ascension
I haven’t seen many channeled messages that address the question, once we ascend to Fifth Dimension, can we return to Third and be near our loved ones? Suzann Carroll’s channeling of the Arcturians does. Again, as always, use your discernment. The Arcturians Through Suzann Carroll June 3, 2010 We wish to tell you now, you […]
Emmanuel: There Will be Many Different Outcomes
I found this discussion of Ascension by “Emmanuel” very interesting. I’ve heard similar accounts elsewhere. For instance, here is just a few lines from Matthew Ward to demonstrate that others discuss this line of inquiry: “Understandably, there is a great deal of speculation about what will happen to whom at the end of 2012. There […]
Message from Matthew, June 2, 2010
Matthew Ward has issued a message prior to his usual monthly schedule. Given how much is going on, I welcome it for its soothing influence. He reviews the troubles occurring in the world and tells us that some tumult, with some dislocation, is to be expected and is necessary to clear the tenacious dark forces […]
We Do Not Need Oil – Part 1/2
I’ve decided to republish this two-part series because I see the Gulf oil spill as providing the key to disclosure. I’ve rewritten it and republished it on OpEdNews. In it, our space family promises to clean up the Gulf of Mexico oil spill once they can walk among us with our safety assured. If we […]
We Do Not Need Oil – Part 2/2
(For Part 1/2, see https://goldenageofgaia.com/2010/05/19/we-do-not-need-oil-part-12/.) The gift of free-energy technology is part of a much wider revolution that will take place We have seen, above, and will see, below, that our space family has promised to help us clean up the effects of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. SaLuSa says: “The call for us […]
Rumors Fly … But No Need to Worry
Rumors are flying about worst-case scenarios relating to the oil spill. Some commentators are discussing various threats reaching all the way to a mixture of gases in the atmosphere that make the air in various places unbreathable. Others are discussing flammable mixtures of gas in the atmosphere and the possibility of explosions. Some discussions are […]
Elegant Crop Circle Decoded
We know from David Icke’s discussion in his Project Camelot interview of being led to pieces of the puzzle he was confronting that spirit or galactic helpers can assist us to solve a puzzle. (1) Nicola Tesla also said that, after his death, he inspired many scientists to find solutions to puzzles. (2) Here researcher […]
Anger Against Israel Continues to Mount; NATO Alliance May Come Into Question
Anger against Israel continues to mount. We may be watching an international coalition (NATO) fall apart over these events, with Turkey abandoning Israel and the United States. America’s Complicity in Evil By Paul Craig Roberts www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=19456 Global Research, June 1, 2010 OpEdNews – 2010-05-31 As I write at 5pm on Monday, May 31, all day […]
David Icke: There's a Shadow Over Humanity
In this interview with Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, David Icke explains his journey from his transformational experience in 1990, through his years of exposing the cabal, to (following 2003) his current phase of preoccupation with Self-nature. He reveals that he experienced so much ridicule during the first four years after his initial breakthrough that […]
Saul: The Break Point is Approaching
Some years ago, Saul seemed very abstract, speaking in the most general of terms. But lately he has appeared to become more and more pointed and specific, providing us in this message with commentary on the Ascension schedule. Here he represents the shift to full consciousness as occurring “in the very near future,” which seems […]