Perhaps the most compelling evidence of the presence of spaceships in large numbers around the globe are the Youtube videos of UFO fleets. Here are some of the clearest among them. The ships are too high to be marsh gas, Canada geese, or party balloons. They are perhaps the most irrefutable among the evidence that […]
“Fastwalkers” is a military code word for UFOs (as opposed to “slowalkers,”which are satellites). I had seen Out of the Blue and UFOs: The Greatest Story Ever Denied, but I had not seen the nine-part series called Fastwalkers. It is replete with terrific testimony and detailed descriptions of encounters and I highly recommend it. I’m […]
Videos on Ascension
My, my, there are an increasing number of videos out on Youtube on the subject of the 2012 Ascension. Here are a few.
Sally Conway: The Doorway of the 11:11
Admittedly, Nov. 11, 2009 is a ways off, but the information in this article by Sally Conway, and republished on Drunvalo Melchizedek’s The Spirit of Ma’at website, is germaine now. I initially chose an excerpt from the article to publish but later realized that the article forms a whole that is best not divided. My […]
Matthew Ward: The Fate of Those Who Do Not Ascend
In his March 29, 2010 message, Matthew Ward gives a coherent and detailed report on the fate of those who may not ascend with us – for whatever reason. I cite it at length. Matthew Ward, March 29, 2010 at What is at stake is the destiny of her consciously and spiritually slumbering residents: […]
Asad Ismi: Crime of the Century: CIA – Cocaine International Agency
One of the phases of 2012 Ascension conceived of as a project is called “accountability.” Other phases are disclosure, first contact, abundance, terraforming, etc. (1) During the time of accountability, the crimes of the dark ones will be exposed and they will be brought to justice. Here is a typical discussion from SaLuSa of what […]
Matthew Ward on the Chilean Earthquake
Matthew Ward’s mother and medium, Suzy Ward, and her husband Bob have been attending a wedding and so Matthew’s March message, which I have been eargerly awaiting, has just arrived. It confirms that the Chilean earthquake was a creation of the Illuminati and that the galactics mitigated its impact. Apparently it failed in its overall […]
Canada: From 9/11 Horror to Hemispheric Military Co-operation
I am republishing this article, originally posted to OpEdNews on Oct. 22, 2008, because I wish later to refer to some of the points made here. I am publishing this article as an opinion piece because, at this moment, I do not have the time to research it but consider its subject matter so […]
The CIA’s Operation Mockingbird
The CIA operation to influence the press was officially called “Operation Mockingbird.” Here is Spartacus Educational’s article on that black-ops project. Remember that the CIA is forbidden by law to run projects in the United States on American citizens. Clearly their operation is in violation of the law. My current understanding is that the CIA […]
Update from SaLuSa
SaLuSa has issued another really helpful and compelling message, which I pass along to you. It sometimes feels strange to switch from 3rd-dimensional articles, which see a very limited part of the picture, to spiritual or galactic articles, which see much more of it. But I’m as unrepentant as Jesse Ventura for drawing on both […]
Call for Civil Disobedience – A Worldwide Strike by the Oppressed
Fausty’s Libertarian Blog March 17, 2010 The blogosphere and meeting places have been alight with anger, outrage, frustration. And questions about how to defeat our tyrannical ‘masters’ that make our lives a living hell. Gandhi found non-compliance to be an effective tool to defeat his masters. And he was just one man. Imagine what […]
Lead Researcher Denying Autism Link to Vaccines Absconds with Funds and Disappears
Health Freedom Alliance March 22, 2010 The lead author of a key study used by EU and USA health bodies as evidence mercury in vaccines does not cause autism has vanished after it emerged that he fraudulently claimed 10 million crowns in funds from his university in Denmark. According to a statement by the […]
Jesse Ventura Confronts the Mainstream Media
Jesse Ventura has brought out a new book titled American Conspiracies. Here’s a selection of videos in which he takes on skeptical interviewers with the various mainstream media – and a few in which he talks to sympathetic interviewers. I actually don’t recommend these videos for “new” information that Jesse brings forward because I don’t […]
Lauren Gorgo: Letting Go of Our Ascension Story
Here I am, enjoying Lauren Gorgo’s columns all this time when it suddenly occurred to me that I should be sharing her valuable information. If you like it, you can go to her website and subscribe. March 26, 2010 The Ascension Story So by now we know that there are two ways to ascend […]
From: Elizabeth Trutwin <[email protected]> Date: February 23, 2011 4:22:31 AM PST To: Steve Beckow <[email protected]> Subject: Re: On March 6, 2011, We Will Liberate the Planet By contacting me you have committed a crime for which you will face the consequences. I strongly suggest you take me off your list. I will not contact you […]