We often speak about volcanic eruptions of anger when a vasana or core issue is triggered. (1) But a volcanic eruption of ambrosia, nectar of the gods – higher-dimensional love? Until now I’d associated all volcanoes with undesirability because they connoted extreme conditions. We wanted to be in the center, right? But Archangel Michael depicted […]
Volcano of Anger or Volcano of Love? – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, above.) We’re probably familiar with the phrase “drunk on God.” Divine Inebriation would have been a rare sight for the sages, but more common then than today. I don’t think it’s going to be unfamiliar to us much longer. Certainly the ascended state itself could be compared to divine inebriation. Let’s […]
No Need for Revolution This Time Around
How are we going to make our transition without lapsing into extremes? The French Revolution had its guillotines. The Russian Revolution had its firing squads. Revolutionary events by nature imply a breakdown of authority and often communications. If a crowd is involved, emotions are usually manipulated to run high to motivate the crowd…. Stop the […]
Bibliography – Steve Beckow
For this “Bibliography” arranged by topic, see “Topical Bibliography” at the end of the Downloads Page, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/07/06/downloads-page/ Books Stephen Mark Beckow, A Majestic Story of Orderly Progress: English-Canadian Novelists on Canadian Society, 1896-1900. MA thesis, Carleton University, 1969. “Keeping British Columbia White”: Anti-Orientalism in the West, 1858-1949. National Museum of Man/National Film Board, […]
The Latest on the Ring of Fire – 1/2
Matthew Ward has just (Oct. 3, 2022) described the same “Ring of Fire” scenario that other channeled sources have, which always increases my confidence. Matthew said: “We are overjoyed to tell you that what is coming soon is an inpouring of love-light energy of a magnitude that is without precedence in this universe.” (1) In […]
The Latest on the Ring of Fire – 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, above.) Archangel Michael said we may feel a sense of confusion as part of the Ring of Fire, Wave of Love. AAM: Understand that that sense of, not displacement, but not knowing where you are is part of the heart opening. And that will help many. Because it is so big! […]
What has been Said about the Solar Flash or Ring of Fire? – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.) Download Ring of Fire, Wave of Love, here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Ring-of-Fire-Wave-of-Love-R7.pdf On heart openings, download An Ascension Ethnography and look for articles past March 13, 2015. At https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/An-Ascension-Ethnography-5.pdf. What is its significance? The Collective and Lady Portia: It is that impetus and series of events, both astrological and Earth-based, that are needed […]
What has been Said about the Solar Flash or Ring of Fire? – Part 1/2
Many sources are discussing the event Beinsa Douno called the Ring of Fire and others have called the Great Solar Flash, the Event, the Wave of Love, and so on. This is not Ascension. I’d compare it to a fourth-chakra heart opening, which Hindus call Spiritual Awakening and Buddhists call Stream Entering. It is definitely […]
Planetary Heart Opening Long Awaited
Good companions to this discussion would be An Ascension Ethnography at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/An-Ascension-Ethnography-5.pdf. See “2015” (after March 12) for discussions of the heart opening. And Ring of Fire, Wave of Love at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Ring-of-Fire-Wave-of-Love-Compilation-R6.pdf I imagine a discussion of heart openings is in order, given the Federation of Light’s head’s up that a great sign that would […]
5d Entry First; Ascension May Come Later: Explanation
I’m very much enjoying Ismael Perez’s intel. At one point he says: “After the Solar Flash, Earth will be 5D.” (1) Wow, did a penny drop on that one. I’m not sure whether Ismael meant what I thought or whether it simply tripped an insight in me. It doesn’t really matter. Is entry into 5D […]
We Can Only Imagine What We Already Know
I was reflecting on the work ahead of us when I had a conversation with a friend about love. I had occasion to quote Mike Quinsey’s wonderful statement about “the most exotic form of love that you cannot imagine.” (1) And it set me thinking about the magnitude, to use Michael’s word, of the task […]
What’s the Agenda, Broadly Speaking?
The Freedom Convoys will probably send many people scurrying to find answers. Some will end up here. So I’d like to provide an overview of what I see as happening for people new to a blogsite which gives credence to channelled messages. I’m uplifted knowing that so many people throughout the world are seeing what […]
Knock and the Door Shall be Opened
Why do we deny ourselves love? Granted that love is everything, available everywhere, that truth prevails on a much higher dimension than we’re on. Here, the way it’s been designed, we’re being encouraged to seek love from our own hearts. In the opened heart (and mine is not much open at the moment), love flows […]
First Kernel Popped?
I’ve just heard the first report of a person breaking through to higher-dimensional love since Bright Star’s breakthrough four years ago. (1) Undoubtledly many people have broken through. This is just the first report I’ve heard personally. A close friend was listening to Eckhart Tolle, burst into an experience of love, and was ecstatic. From […]
The Divine Mother Describes a Planetary Heart Opening
The Mother first described to me what sounded like a planetary heart opening in 2017. I asked her if I should be writing on what a heart opening is like and she said yes. Well, first stop would be to hear ftrom her on the subject. The Divine Mother, “Transcript ~ A Mass Heart Opening […]