We’re in an Interregnum, (1) a between times, a waiting period. And it’s having interesting effects on myself and other lightworkers I know.
Lightworkers are coming alive to love and compassion but without the means to make a difference in the outside world.
We’re on this side of the Tsunami of Love proper and the Reval. If either were to hit, it would end our feelings of powerlessness, our inability to effect real change, forever.
When the Reval comes, lightworkers will have the means. When the Tsunami comes, the love will cancel out our issues, or at least I think it will.
But during this Interregnum, we have the desire to make a difference and not the wherewithal to carry through. And that can be difficult and frustrating.
I see myself and people around me making strides but then we lose momentum or we stumble and fall because we have such slim resources, in all ways. We’re like young birds wanting to fly on wings without feathers.
And I say to myself, the only way to survive this period in which our vision exceeds our grasp is to forgive ourselves and others for stumbling.
It feels better now to look at successes and overlook failures. For years I did the reverse. But I now see that it makes much more sense and is far healthier to focus on the successes in what we do and let the rest go.
I’ve had magical, transformative moments with others over the last six months. And even though we couldn’t carry matters as far as we wanted to, the strides we made were heart-warming and inspiring. Those memories shine for me and I’m grateful.
I’ve also had some utter defeats and failures. I acknowledge them as well and beg leave to let them go.
If we can do as much as what I’ve seen backstage, and do it on a shoestring, well, it only points to what we’ll be able to do after these two seminal events. I’m excited. I’m grateful. And I’m pleased.
(1) “An interregnum … is a period of discontinuity or “gap” in a government, organization, or social order. Archetypally, it was the period of time between the reign of one monarch and the next.” (“Interregnum” at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interregnum.)