And after that, I came across Alex Jones’ analysis of what happened, which I agree with:
BREAKING UPDATE: Evidence Indicates That Backdoor Remote Control Technology Was Used To Ensure Tragic Helicopter / Airliner Crash In DC
— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) January 31, 2025
After the article, below, was written came news of another plane crash in Philadelphia.
🚨 HOLY CRAP! The plane in Philadelphia just slammed into a row of houses like a freaking MISSILE.
— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) January 31, 2025
The explosion looks like the plane was big.
— pepper jack (@mmullins001) February 1, 2025
Is this a second sign to Donald Trump to back off, the DC crash being the first? Is the deep state making the threat to Trump crystal clear? Was the Philly crash an exclamation mark to the threat statement I assert is being made by the DC crash?
News of the Philadelphia fire came after I’d finished researching the DC crash and how eerily similar it [the DC crash] was to the March 24, 2015 crash of Germanwings Flight 9525 in some important respects.
In both the DC and Germanwings accidents, the accident investigation agency had a preliminary theory out in record time. On Flt 9525, it was a suicidal co-pilot who took command of the controls. They did not budge from their initial hypothesis.
On American Airlines Flt 5342, the theory is that the tower was understaffed. (1) In the same way that the co-pilot was scapegoated with Flt 9525, are the air traffic controllers now going to be scapegoated here? And will they resign and take the President’s buyout rather than protest being scapegoated?
Cosmic Awareness through Will Berlinghof discussed the Germanwings crash at great length; Matthew Ward also looked at it. Both of them agree that the co-pilot and the aircraft were “taken over” or remotely-controlled so as to bring about the plane’s crash into the mountain. I’m asking, did the same thing happen in DC and Philly?
Matthew Ward describes the moment when the co-pilot was put into trance:
“Moments after the pilot left the cockpit, [co-pilot] Andreas’ consciousness snapped—he has no memory of that instant or what transpired afterwards. If this could be known, although it would not console those who love the people who went down with the plane, it could give some peace of mind and heart to Andreas’ family and friends.” (2)
Cosmic Awareness describes two unidentified craft that stayed alongside the stricken airliner:
“This Awareness did start by confirming that there were two aircraft, two vessels that were flying with the plane. … These ones had technology that caused the co-pilot to act in the manner he did. … This Awareness will say it quite clearly: it was a case of mind-control from technology and through technology, launched from the two aircraft that were flying in tandem with the German airliner. …
“Technology was used on the co-pilot that neutralized him, if you will, did not kill him but took away his capacity to think clearly on matters, made him into a mind-drone, mind-controlled drone of those whose intent it was to crash the plane.” (3)
Why crash the plane?
“…to eliminate the individual on board [a potential whistleblower] that was problematic and a danger to them, to send Merkel and the other EU leaders clear messages of not messing with the Powers That Be [by moving closer to Russia] and to create a reaction in the mass mind of humanity [revulsion?], against such an event, such an action as this.” (4)
Did the dark side send leaders the message that they too traveled in airplanes and were vulnerable? Said Cosmic Awareness:
“Both leaders [France and Germany], for example, make many flights to various parts of the world and for them to be shown in such a dramatic manner that their planes too could be brought down is [a] warning … to these leaders on a most personal level.” (5)
In the Germanwings case, the investigating agency concluded that the co-pilot was suicidal less than 48 hours after the crash, a finding that was later contradicted. What kind of investigative agency operates in such a hasty fashion? Cosmic Awareness said:
“All this Awareness can say is this air crash and the explanation of it, the laying of blame on the shoulders of the scapegoat/co-pilot are classic deception techniques that are meant to take one’s attention off of a possible truth, to believe in that which is the illusion and the cover-up. It has been done so many times in the past and this is yet another example, a tragic example to those who have lost their lives, tragic to this innocent co-pilot who is being made a scapegoat to be blamed for this. And again, many will not believe that which this Awareness has spoken today, that they would rather believe CNN and the public officials who are proclaiming the reason for this accident.” (6)
Now substitute for “Angela Merkel and other EU leaders” “Donald Trump.” Were the DC and Philly plane crashes a warning to Donald Trump that the deep state can reach him? Back off? Stand down or this could happen to you?
(1) Notice how that theory invites endless discussions of air traffic control at American airports. Endless distraction, I think, as the deep state shepherds us into 15-minute cities with, they’d hoped, online financial control.
(2) Matthew’s Message, April 22, 2015, at
(3) “Cosmic Awareness: Germanwings Crash,” channeled by Will Berlinghof, March 28, 2015, at [URL now inactive. However the detailed message appears here: “Germanwings Plane Crash” at]
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) “Cosmic Awareness: Germanwings Crash Part 2,” channeled by Will Berlinghof, March 29, 2015, at [URL now inactive. The detailed message appears here: “Germanwings Plane Crash” at]
(6) “Cosmic Awareness: Germanwings Crash,” channeled by Will Berlinghof, March 28, 2015, ibid.