December 6, 2024, via email
In a recent client session, the guides gave us some important information that needs to be shared.
In the session, my client was asking questions about her role, and if there was more that she could do to assist herself and the ascension process.
The guides shared that one of her roles is as an Earth Stabilizer. An Earth Stabilizer connects with the Earth, bringing in calming and support. For many, that work is done while the body is asleep.
Spirit expressed that they wanted her to become conscious of the work she is doing, and that she could have her Reiki group also assist.
The guides shared that the Earth is under tremendous pressure, as she, too, is in her ascension process.
Those in the Stabilization role are strategically placed all over the world. Most are doing their work while sleeping, but others are consciously aware.
Due to the Earth changes and the raising of the overall vibration, the ones in the Stabilizing role are feeling the energetic toll more and more.
They shared with my client that it used to be that 40% of her energy was spent on the etheric roles, and 60% was spent in the waking hours. Now that ratio has flipped, and it is exerting significant pressure, requiring more rest.
It was suggested that anyone who feels called to do so can assist. When I asked how, they shared that it can be done through visualization.
When I inquired more, one of the guides said:
“Visualize the Earth, and that you have a straw that can go deep into the Earth. This straw allows the Earth to vent the pressure that builds up.”
I had the thought that we all have had moments when we need to just vent, let off some steam, and feel seen & heard.
Once the pressure feels expelled, use the same straw to send unconditional love deep into the Earth’s core.
This simple exercise will assist the Earth and the Stabilizers, and it will help you to create a beautiful relationship with the Earth.
I had to laugh, because one of the guides had a fabulous sense of humor, and said that we could visualize sticking a fork into a baking potato to keep it from exploding upon heating.
Use whatever visualization works best for you!
This work will not stop the Earth changes that must happen, but it can bring greater ease to the Earth and her process.
We can feel that the intensity has increased in our waking moments and in our sleeping moments.
It truly is “All hands-on deck.”
It is taking a toll; many are feeling worn out and ready to scream, “Uncle!” Yet now is not the time to stop, we must keep going.
To assist us through this intense time, Spirit has asked that I create Distance healing sessions* to help bring in ease, clarity, and clearing.
The first one is on Saturday afternoon, December 7th.
Sending you all lots of love,
*For more information on Jenny’s healing sessions, go to