I know all the challenges facing everyone, both generally and at this time. Keeping that in mind, we still face the situation where the Divine Mother has asked us to seek our living from you by way of donations. (1)
Making that appeal to you does not come at the most opportune time, we know. The demands right now are high. However we cannot do otherwise than ask to be included in your giving, in all humility. Without your assistance, we won’t be able to cover our bills.
As I understood the Mother, the purpose of requiring us to seek our living from you was to serve as a means of exciting the impulse to share and give to others.
The Mother is the source of the money, but, consistent with her plan for our enlightenment, she uses human vehicles.
We need a few of those vehicles of grace to come together to help us stay afloat at the moment. We’re 15% short of what is our minimum goal. (Eeek!)
Will you be her vehicle and help us pay our bills this month?
If you can do that, please go on over to the Hope Chest and make a one-time or monthly love offering to the blog.
With our profound gratitude and loving wishes … and, since we won’t speak before then, Merry Christmas!
Here‘s how to donate:
Please use this link ~ https://hopeche.st/pages/donate
Click the yellow “Donate” button to make a monthly recurring donation in the amount of your choosing.
For a one-time donation, follow the down arrow to the big box and follow the prompts.
(1) Here is the Mother’s charge to us:
Steve: This poverty that we are having to endure just doesn’t seem necessary.
Divine Mother: You have agreed that you are on, can we say, the receiving end.
Steve: So our being [poor] is used as a means to get people to open up?
Divine Mother: To express gratitude, generosity, unity and to express what is valuable to them.
Steve: So that is what the spiritual meaning of this is. That we serve that purpose of igniting people’s generosity or inspiring it.
Divine Mother: That is correct. You are the catalysts. (Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 7, 2015.)