I think I left people with the wrong impression last post. We don’t have “the last little bit” to go on our appeal. We have substantially more than that to go.
Rather, I think we’re on the last little bit – perhaps a few weeks away – before the Emergency Broadcasts ring down the curtain. But we still need your aid to make it across the finish line.
I don’t stress over thinking we won’t have enough; I stress over it being the first of the month and the bills are all due.
Please, everyone, help us make it through these last few weeks or months until the changeover, the great transition, the arrival of the storm.
If you have disposable income and can spare it, do walk over to the Hope Chest and help us make it through with a one-time or monthly donation.
With our thanks and love.
Here‘s how to donate:
Please use this link ~ https://hopeche.st/pages/
Click the yellow “Donate” button to make a monthly recurring donation in the amount of your choosing.
For a one-time donation, follow the down arrow to the big box and follow the prompts.