Excerpted from a Family of Taygeta Podcast (below), and posted by Kab on X ~
It’s true we’re seeing a new Donald Trump, but not a clone or body double. Trump looks younger and acts more peaceful because he’s received frequencies and downloads from light forces. His higher self is shining through.
Conservatives are correct about divine intervention saving Trump, but are missing the context. Trump knows “angels” saved him, and he also knows most people aren’t ready to hear about Galactic Federation yet.
#NEIOH – “Archangel Michael Arrived In An Instant. Standing In Light In The Right Side Of The Crowd, He Raised His Mighty Arms To Send Frequencies. A Powerful Soul From Celaeno Of The Pleiades Arrived In Bi-local Service. Allowing His Presence To Not Be Noted, He Turned The Head Of President Trump. Bullets Were Flying And The Ear Of The President Was Pierced. This Was Allowed As The Incident Would Serve Well To Change Many Hearts. The Frequency From Archangel Michael Was In Direct Correlation To The Plan Unfolding. It Would Allow A Great Softening And Change For The Powerful President.”