My twin flame, Annastara, once described part of my mission as a writer this way:
Annastara: One of the things that you do and which you will be doing is of course looking in the nooks and crannies, into the corners of your being because, as you do that, you also allow others to.
There is a curiosity inside of you to examine those quarters that have really gone unexplored, not really because of fear but simply because it wasn’t time.
One of the things that you have done is you have paid attention to your here and now, to your time and space, rather than getting lost in either the future or the past. (1)
That resonates with me. And, as I’ll get to in a minute, this exploration centered on the question “Who am I?” has been one of the few avenues in my life that has never stopped expanding. (2) Clearly this is part of my mission.
So, looking into a nook and cranny:
It happened that I found myself mad this morning – a kind of anger that rose up like an exploding volcano, seemingly from nowhere. It was so shocking that I didn’t even notice when it stopped. Things just stood still at the moment of that sudden, inner explosion.
Because I follow the path of awareness, I asked myself where did that flash of anger come from? And I saw myself hearing “No!” from my Dad for purely arbitrary reasons. No subtlety to the man. What you saw was what you got and it could very well be the back of his hand.
Classic vasana or core issue: Now, when I feel someone is saying “No!” to me when I don’t want them to, I feel this flash of anger. (3)
And, as I look, I see that my story is: Having the door shut on me again and again has been a theme throughout my life, with a few brilliant exceptions. Or people not understanding a word I’m saying. And me debating whether I should cap it or keep on going.
I feel like a vine pushing up through concrete.
But that’s probably what it took to trigger all this, right? Pull the bow back farther and the arrow travels farther?
This arrow has been in the air for an awfully-long time and doesn’t plan to land any time soon. In fact, this arrow doesn’t plan to land (period). Instead it plans to ascend through the dimensions, with you.
A never-ending story and all that’s left for me to decide is how I want to travel – miserably or lovingly.
(1) Annastara in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Dec. 9, 2010.
(2) Not since I picked up Eric Berne’s Games People Play and began to look for patterns in human behavior.
(3) On vasanas – the chief obstacle to enlightenment, in my opinion – and processing them, see Vasanas: Preparing For Ascension by Clearing Old Issues at