by Meg Benedicte
On Thursday, June 20 we celebrate the annual Solstice, when the sun ‘stands still’ in zero point energy. It is the stillness between our past and our future. It is the longest day of light in the northern hemisphere and the ‘return of Light’ in the southern hemisphere. While the cosmic gateway is open, we will embrace the power of Light!
In reverence with ancient pagan ritual, many gather at Stonehenge overnight to mark the annual Solstice and witness the sunrise above the stones. At dawn the central Altar stone aligns with the Slaughter stone, Heel stone and the rising sun to the northeast. It is a sacred moment to stop, get quiet, be still and acknowledge the cosmic cycle of nature…the day of Light!
The Solstice is a transition point from Gemini, the sign of Dualism, into starting a new season in Cancer, the sign of Divine Mother, feminine nurturing and leading with the heart. I’ve been focused on heart healing activations since my spiritual retreat in Glastonbury and Stonehenge, where I was so blessed to perform sacred ceremony on the heart chakra of Gaia.
There is an increasing upswell of heart alignment occurring as we prepare for the rare 888 LionsGate on August 8th. Ruled by the Sun, Leo emphasizes the divine spark at the heart of our solar system…and within each one of us. There is a great shift occurring in the field, a growing swell of loving compassion as heart-centered living beings. This infusion of heart expansion is changing the world paradigm.
The Solstice sun radiance illuminates the truth of who you are, why you are here, and what you came to do! Never before have human Souls transfigured their body from density to luminosity. The light infusion during the Solstice Gateway awakens higher consciousness…a cosmic remembering of your divine destiny.
What no longer harmonizes with universal truth and order is dissolving.
We are approaching a tipping point in the human collective, as we spiral higher and higher. When we join together and stand in the zero point field of creation, our presence ignites the quantum possibilities to materialize our visions and intentions for the new paradigm.
We are the alchemists initiating new consciousness codes and templates for a higher dimensional world reality. This is our gift to Gaia and humanity. This is how we fulfill our soul mission.
Calling all New Earth Wayshowers, Light Beings and Alchemists from all around the world to gather on Thursday, June 20th for the Solstice Gateway Activations.
Let’s join AA Metatron in the alchemical zero point field of all creation and serve our Soul mission to ignite the new future timeline. We will perform both personal and planetary activations during the show. As we join in the galactic gateway, we have an opportunity to flood the field with love.
Lovingly, Meg