Auroras caused by recent solar flares
What’s really happening to the global climate?
SaLuSa: Your beautiful Earth is preparing to cleanse away the pollution and rubbish that Man has left as a legacy of his time upon it. It must come as the Solar System moves into the higher vibrations as part of the Ascension of the Universe. (1)
Matthew Ward: Climate change is of serious concern, so, for newcomers to our messages, we are happy to say again that this is Earth’s transition to a moderate climate globally.
Record-breaking temperatures, increased solar flares, melting glaciers and polar regions, low islands slowly being submerged and strange new juxtapositions of planetary bodies are aspects of Earth’s ascension process and the return to her original health and pristine beauty. (2)
Matthew: You who are familiar with these messages know that Earth’s restoration to her original Eden self includes the polar and tropical temperature extremes giving way to what ultimately will be a moderate climate worldwide. This actuality also is unknown to your scientists, and to most of the rest of the populace too. (3)
SaLuSa: Global warming is currently very much the topic of the day, and it is well that you try to understand how you can reduce the damage you are causing. However, what is not fully taken into consideration is that your Sun is changing, and is by far the main reason that the changes are taking place. In time they will settle down and you will have more temperate conditions throughout the world. The extremes of weather as you have always experienced, will no longer occur and life will become more pleasant and totally bearable. (4)
SaLuSa: Your weather worldwide is changing and it is Mother Earth and your Sun adjusting to the new incoming energies. The outcome will eventually be a more temperate climate without the extremes that you are used to experiencing. This not only affects you but also all life forms that may disappear or move to new location where it is right for them. The fauna will also be affected and again the changes will encourage growth for some varieties, whilst others may no longer flourish as previously.
The outcome of all the changes is to uplift all life upon your planet, and that which is of the lower vibrations will disappear completely. Anything less cannot advance unless it too is of the higher vibrations. What is happening on the Earth is occurring throughout the solar system, but on planets that were already working on a slightly higher dimension, the changes are less extensive. (5)
What’s the extent of the problem with Earth?
SaLuSa The extent of the problem [with Earth] is far greater than you realise, and, with the rapid decline that is taking place, your Earth would have become totally poisoned. We mention these matters because it is important that you are aware of how urgent it is that we join you and immediately tackle such massive worldwide problems. (6)
Atmos: The negative energy that is around you and also runs deep within the earth must be removed to enable an increase in its vibration. (7)
(To be continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) SaLuSa, March 22, 2010, at http://galacticchannelings.com/english/mike22-03-10.html.
(2) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 11, 2010, at http://galacticchannelings.com/english/matthew11-09-10.html.
(3) Ibid., Jan. 11, 2010, at http://galacticchannelings.com/english/matthew11-01-10.html
(4) SaLuSa, Dec. 16, 2009, at http://galacticchannelings.com/english/mike16-12-09.html.
(5) Ibid., Nov. 12, 2010, at http://galacticchannelings.com/english/mike12-11-10.html
(6) Ibid., Oct. 6, 2008, at https://web.archive.org/web/20200224194316/http://treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled%20messages/October%202008/10.06.08SaLuSa.htm
(7) Atmos, May 18, 2009, at http://galacticchannelings.com/english/mike18-05-09.html
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