This article answers the question: How will I, as a lightworker, manage a large project? How will I host a radio show? How will I paint such a large mural?
I had a remarkable development happen around ten minutes ago. Yes, I raced for my laptop. Around 8:15 am, Aug. 31, 2021. And here I am in the midst of the experience.
You remember I said that so much depends on whether we recognize something? If bliss arises and it’s unrecognized, it leaves. If bliss arises and it’s recognized as bliss, it immediately expands and takes up the whole space, as if to say “Yes!” The genie is out of the bottle. We find ourselves immersed in it.
Well, a few minutes ago I just experienced such a life-changing event. An immersion. A baptism.
Ten minutes ago, I was getting ready to go to Costco. I have a number of things I need to do today and so I was planning things out. I’d now gotten everything arranged and felt quite satisfied.
I looked at my emotional field, my mental field. All was satisfaction, except….
Imagine that my whole field of emotions was lemon-yellow flowers. There was one strand among all that yellow which was a different color. It stood out from all the rest.
I had to feel into it to know what it was, it was so foreign.
When I did, I recognized it as something I haven’t known since my very earliest years – confidence.
It immediately expanded and took up the whole space. I’m immersed in it now. I never considered whether confidence was a divine quality. Just as I never considered that abundance or mastery were divine qualities. But they all are.
Remember I’m an Ascension ethnographer by self-decree so I’m connecting dots here, some sociological, some spiritual.
This experience, happening right now, is an event in understanding (what sociologists call verstehen), verifiable only by me. Consequently you either accept my version or not but no further proof is forthcoming. (1)
This experience allows me to confirm my distinction between a feeling and a divine state. A feeling arises in and is associated with a part of me – my heart, my stomach, my throat, my head. But a divine state is like jumping into a lake. It completely surrounds you. You’re immersed in it.
Run into the lake, jump into the lake. Just get into the lake, Sri Ramakrishna said. (2)
We’re not really immersed. The feeling is more like a blotting paper soaking up water. I am “full” of confidence at this moment, so to speak.
What’s happened, I think, is that we’ve triggered a remembrance of a state of being that is ours naturally but which we’ve covered over with persisting defensive measures like vasanas (core issues), behavior patterns, and other counterproductive creations. It’s the overburden that needs to go, with nothing put in its place.
Usually something catastrophic happens in the course of which we either see or realize our original pure and innocent state in the form of a particular divine quality (for me in this case, confidence)
But it doesn’t have to be that way if we’d only watch for those subtle appearances of the divine state among everything else happening in our emotional field. Once we see it, we try it on to find out what it is and bingo! It expands. Game over.
Yes, it subsides. All experiences short of sahaja samadhi or Ascension do subside, at least somewhat, over time. But we’re left with a residue.
This is a clever plan on the part of the Company of Heaven because it gives us the evidence and encouragement that things are happening (in my case a burst of confidence). But it leaves us in a state of reduced experience of the divine state, where we can still manage to interact with the world. (As lightworkers rather than lightholders, we need to remain able to navigate in this world.)
So it accomplishes both indisputable encouragement and increased capacity for the job. I say this is how the Company of Heaven is going to make leaders and managers of us.
(Continued in Part 2, below.)
(1) I will not debate my findings with empirical materialists, I’m afraid, or submit them for academic approval. The academic paradigm of empirical materialism is too small for me to achieve the understanding and results I want, such as enlightenment.
I cite St. Bernadette:
“Each of you is truly facing this dilemma: Where is the proof? This is one of the reasons why this Council of Love has asked you to focus on the Blessings and Virtues, because the proofs, the landmarks, the markers have become internal rather than external.
“This is something new for you to learn; this is a quality of Nova Being. You are learning a new way of measuring proof and it is from within.” (St. Bernadette on Prudence in Linda Dillon, The New You: Emerging into then Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness. Port St. Lucie: 2013, 189.)
(2) “You see, the thing is somehow or other to get into the Lake of the Nectar of Immortality. Suppose one person gets into It by propitiating the Deity with hymns and worship, and you are pushed into It. The result will be the same. Both of you will certainly become immortal.” (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Nikhilananda, Swami, trans. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 217.)
Immortality = No necessity to die and be reborn. Sri Ramakrishna is discussing Ascension.