The GAoG blog will continue to show up every day to help uplift, inform and unify our community. We’ve got your back, and every month, we ask you to have ours. Our Community is a powerful one, made up of both new and long-time readers, some who’ve been with us since the beginning…Starseeds all.
It’s never been more clear that part of the mission we’re tasked with as such is to manage our emotions and focus on what’s important, and even vital for the ascension and evolution of Humanity. That would be to form ourselves into an empowered, cohesive collective. The issue presenting at this point reflecting a difference of opinion among us seems to be “To kill or not to kill.” Many are writing in to express both “for” and “against.”
Maybe the truth is that our mastery now is simply to maintain our own personal vibe at a high level, keeping our focus on the view from altitude…the Big Picture. That brings a release into letting God take care of what accountability there will be for any and all Human transgressions. There’s no actual need to take a stand because it isn’t up to us. There will be justice with or without our engaging in the drama.
Together, we hold the cohesion of the collective. It’s a powerful partnership, and we all play a unique part in this unfolding. We need your help to keep this blog going.
Many thanks and blessings to our loyal monthly subscribers for providing the beautiful foundation from which we’re able to create this blog, and we look to our one-time donors to complete the picture. Please consider making a one-time or recurring donation to the Hope Chest.
There are four ways to donate to help the Golden Age of Gaia ~
1. Both one-time and regular monthly subscriptions through a PayPal account
2. One-time donations using a non-PayPal-affiliated debit/credit card
3. Regular monthly subscriptions using a non-PayPal-affiliated debit/credit card
4. Donations by check or money order made out to Hope Chest and sent to Hope Chest, P. O. Box 2744, San Pedro, Ca 90731
Here‘s how to donate:
Please click, where you’ll have choice as to how often you wish to donate and for what amount. You also will be able to choose to use either PayPal or a non PayPal-affiliated credit/debit card.
If you have a question, please contact Karen at the Hope Chest: