For the time being, the Golden Age of Gaia will focus on only major stories in the political realm. As you may know, I’ve created a Patreon page on which I post news stories that may not appear in many other places.
I’m always grateful to receive messages of appreciation from my Patrons, like these ~
- Your information is so valuable at this time, not just for me, but for people that I’ve been sharing it with. It’s so nice to have people like you putting out truth.
- You and Charlie Ward are at the top of my list for discernible information.
- The quality of your research to find the posts on our behalf is top notch.
- I appreciate you in disseminating the information to us in a nice tidy package.
- I wanted to let you know that I really love the mix of both spiritual and political content that you put together! You have excellent discernment.
- Thank you so much for the posts and for your great comments!
- Thank you again and again for the courageous (and I’m quite sure exhausting) work you continue to do during this very fraught time.
Remember, it isn’t so much what comes before us that matters as much as what we choose to do with it. All that’s happening right now is an opportunity for us to practice our Mastery and be observers rather than get caught up in or engage in any drama. Keeping our focus on the view from altitude is key to being able to navigate these turbid waters without dropping frequency.
That, and a daily, dedicated practice of stillness is the ticket for the inner peace train. A reminder I very recently had to give myself because overwhelm was getting a hold of me. It’s an aspect of self-care I was letting take a back seat to everything else.
Light is Informatiion. Information is Light.