In appreciation of the Honduran National Police (3)
Each one of us may walk through his or her own personal fire as we cleanse and purify prior to Ascension.
But, that having been said, for the most part those people reading this blog have more likely than not been spared the worst of the suffering there is in our world. With a few exceptions, of course.
The extent of suffering occurring in our world right now is staggering to mind, heart, and senses.
People dying in wars or being forced to flee. Populations in several parts of the world facing starvation.
Nations being impoverished or enslaved by western financial interests whose policies Michel Chossudovsky once described as “financial warfare.” (1)
Have we faced the fact that much of the world’s suffering is due to the actions of our own governments? Is this what we want? Are we prepared to change our minds on a few things?
The deep state, of which I think us an unwitting part, controls the media, business, religion, etc. And they’ve been steering the world toward the concentration of wealth in ever fewer hands and the impoverishment of the rest of us.
What comfort is there for us in the chaos and mayhem all around us?
When a volcano gives birth to a new island, there’s a lot of ground shaking and thunder and lightning.
What’s about to happen when thousands of indictments are opened will be ground shaking with much thunder and lightning. The comfort for us is that we know what’s happening and can hold ourselves together in the face of it. It is creating a new landscape of light.
The global awakening, I think, caused by the indictments, the volcanic change in the landscape, and the questions about how our institutions failed us are going to be very difficult to answer … and to fathom … on the part of many people. Of our situation as a society, MegaAnon, the insider leaker, eloquently said:
“We’re forced to realize they’ve literally trafficked, abused, [raped] and murdered our innocent children… all in our own country, under our own noses, for decades. That’s not only a ridiculously tough, but very emotional, deeply personal pill of reality, for anyone to swallow… let alone EVERYONE to swallow, at the same time.
“Which in reality, is exactly what you’d need to accomplish, to ever beat it, right? You’d need EVERYONE to not only know and accept the fact that it’s not only happening on the levels and to the extent that it is, but you’d also need them all to know and accept it, to that extreme extent, at exactly the same time.” (2)
If you’re about to arrest the backbone of the deep state, you can’t do it in a gradual process. And you can’t educate the public first.
You have to spring all at once, which means the public has to grasp and accept what’s happening all at once as well.
We may find ourselves serving as a buffer, a rubber bumper to prevent people from driving into each other or off the road.
What’s happening right now behind the scenes could never have happened even five years ago, I believe. Momentum has been building everywhere for this snapping of the chains of enslavement to the Illuminati. Perhaps not in overt action but in people’s attitudes.
The Illuminati have become known. Their plans to dominate the world and cause World War III have been revealed and digested by lightworkers.
We’re the hundred monkeys and we’re capable of triggering actions from the other side that contribute to everything that’s happening. Our collective attitudes do matter.
The ground was being carefully prepared back in 2008. Momentum has built up over the intervening years. Momentum doesn’t just surface as pushback. It can also surface as a pool of latent, available social energy, bent to the intention that the Illuminati’s grip on society be ended, there to be used by white hats who know how to use it.
For us on the ground, wage and salary workers watched their income shrink in the face of inflation. Benefits packages were dropped. Deregulation was mandated. Automation permanently made it a labor buyer’s market.
But no one seemed to care about what was silently happening to us. We were too fascinated with our new technological toys. Very few noticed that each false-flag operation steered the public deeper into tyranny.
Perhaps we can now understand how Germany could be brought under the tyranny of Hitler. We were well along that road ourselves. For “concentration camps,” read “FEMA Camps.”
We had numerous Reichstag fires: Oklahoma City, 9/11, London, the Indonesian Tsunami, the Japanese Tsunami, earthquakes, floods, wildfires, hurricanes, the Boston Marathon, school shootings, Las Vegas. On and on goes the list of black operations designed to steer us into the corral.
Well, we escaped the corral. Or very soon will have. That’s what these indictments and events like those in Saudi Arabia and Zimbabwe are meant to point to, in my books.
But, again, the work just begins. Truth-telling, reconciliation, and healing is the agenda, as far as I can see.
When looking out on the prospect of reconciliation, we have to realize that we’ve all done the same things in other lifetimes. In this lifetime, none of us knew how to emerge from the spiral of conflict. None of us solved the problem. We all felt helpless and adrift in the current.
It took the concerted efforts of seen and unseen forces, from this and other civilizations and dimensions to bring about the events that we’re soon to witness, on this and other fronts.
Even if it takes years, if it results in children everywhere being safe, women living powerful and unmolested lives, and everyone realizing that no one is any better or worse than anyone else – we’re all of us equal – then the global peace that results will make the conflict-ridden history of humanity on this planet worth it.
To have peace on this planet, we must lay down our arms and stop wars. (3) In what way is that message not clear? Wouldn’t we all like to have a return to peace?
(1) “Michel Chossudovsky: Financial Warfare,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/accountability/financial-crash/michel-chossudovsky-financial-warfare/
(2) MegaAnon, “Anonymous ID:aWWDU5Cw [MegaAnon] Thu 07 Dec 2017 12:10:22 No.152376670,” at https://sananda.website/12664-2/
(3) Like the Honduran National Police: “’We Don’t Want to Repress’: Police in Honduras Refuse Orders to Stamp Out Pro-Democracy Protests – December 7, 2017,”