(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
We’ve seen how a society can be lock-stepped into wars. 9/11 truly was an inside job and resulted in the devastation of Afghanistan and Iraq for control of the drug trade and oil. How many of us know that? I repeat: We were lock-stepped into war, compliant, complicit, asleep, all of us, me included.
The cabal was as much in control of our media as the Nazis were of theirs.
Both Nazis and our cabal had the loyalty of the armed forces. Why wouldn’t they? No one in the military suspected that our governments could be subverted by what Peter Dale Scott called “the deep state.”
No one thought the President could be part of a scheme to start World War III.
Even though Dwight Eisenhower risked his life – and John Kennedy lost his life – to warn us about them, we slept on.
Actually, not all of us. Some also risked their lives to take a stand against tyranny, like the two Presidents.
I remember in 2007 a marine unit thought it was to be deployed to Iraq and was being trained in terrain that resembled mountainous Iran. They mutinied. They did not agree to be sent to Iran. That was it on that.
I remember the US Navy taking the nuclear football away from the President during the Georgian War.
The Navy took back control of significant parts of the military, if memory serves me, including the secret space fleet. So this day of reckoning we’re about to see has been a long time in coming.
While there was significant and growing dissent, many people avoided the risk of being branded a “conspiracy theorist” if one questioned the official line too closely and insisted on holding down a respectable job. Most stayed with their jobs. (1)
One had to go off the grid to continue to grow (in our case, exist by donations). Witness the career of Rep. Cynthia McKinney after being kicked out of Congress twice for pressing her inquiries into 9/11. She’s an outstanding example of someone who’s stood up to the cabal relentlessly and has just kept on growing. McKinney for President. (I wish I could vote.) (2)
It’s taken dedication on the part of 9/11 Truthers to get that particular truth out there and accepted. Again, where is this different from the rise of Nazism? It isn’t. Except we’ve been saved. The Marines really did arrive.
Now, a maelstrom may be about to descend on us with the release of the 4,200 plus indictments. So brace yourself for that one. Hopefully it’ll be brief. But the repercussions will be permanent.
This qualifies in my books for more than a flashbang. This is a changing of the guard.
Thank you for listening to my prelude.
Now what might our role as lightworkers be, if we care to contemplate that question?
I can only give you my take on it. In my view, whatever comes, our role is to remain calm and balanced, centered and loving – that is to say, to stay in the heart.
Listen to Kathleen. She knows what’s she’s talking about. She’s walked the walk.
She has forgiven everyone and everything in her life. Who among us can make that statement? Is that a hand I see over there? Yes, that one, way over there?
What a bolix we’ve made of our public life together. We brought ourselves – humanity brought itself – to the brink of nuclear World War III. We slept almost to the end of the movie. By then it would have been too late.
That’s what we did with planet Earth until the white hats woke us up. Or perhaps are about to.
What Kathleen’s suggesting is exactly what’s needed. When will things get so bad for us on this planet that we’d be prepared to forgive everyone and everything and just start over?
Haven’t we had enough? Truly? I confess I have. Let truth and reconciliation be the message from now on.
And, yes, we’ll all make mistakes in recovering from what we’re about to hear.
I will spell a name wrong or give the wrong date for something. My memory may not serve me on this fact or that. Please forgive me.
What will we hear when the indictments are served? What could be worse to hear and imagine than pedophilia and child murder?
Ladies and gentlemen, this for me is the atom bomb of revelations: Our government leaders practice pedophilia and murder their child victims. No worse truth will ever be known, in my books. I’m not wanting to diminish other heinous crimes but nothing approaches these two crimes for me.
Nevertheless, I will forgive everyone and everything in what’s about to unfold. I’ll simply value the truth being told, without recrimination.
Let’s restore the planet to normal again.
I once lived a normal life, a long time ago. I know what it looks and feels like. And this is not it.
Let’s hear the truth, remove the obstacles, and forgive.
Let’s experience and bear witness to the maelstrom in civil and political affairs – and then let it be the last.
Let all the world’s old business be settled now in this creative chaos. And then let’s make an end of playing the warring family.
After all the nations and individuals have agreed to make an end of it – and have – then let’s begin to build a new world.
(1) I resorted to posting under pseudonyms, one being “Brother Anonymous.” See The Essays of Brother Anonymous at https://www.angelfire.com/space2/light11/.
(2) I’m a Canadian.