Mata Amritanandamayi, a woman leading from the middle, from the heart
A local newspaper invited a man to respond to the Harvey Weinstein affair. Initially I said no. Then the words started to pour out last night.
Men, it’s well past time to alter our behavior.
Anyone growing up male will remember that we talked about getting to first, second, third, and home base, almost incessantly as young boys and men. (1)
We were fixated with sexuality, the female form, and our own orgasm, helped along by an obliging media and the interests behind them and by a lack of sex education.
We’ve conditioned ourselves and been conditioned by others to hanker after women, all our efforts leading to sexual intercourse, no matter what the cost. Harvey Weinsteins are the result.
When influential people use their power for sexual predation, we have a breakdown in the very fabric of society. It’s something that needs to be attended to right away.
Instead, in many of our societies, crimes against women all too often go unpunished – or are government-sanctioned. (2)
So many societies today are broken in the sense that they’ve violated their women (and children, we now find) routinely and endlessly. (3)
Enough. We were wrong. We dropped the ball on our watch.
I apologize for my behavior and that of others of the male gender towards women. Where I didn’t participate, I remained complicitly silent.
The restitution to be made is for men to step aside. Allow women a turn at the levers of power.
This is a time, according to my spiritual beliefs, of the resurgence of the Divine Feminine.
Rather than just sharing equally (for the moment), I suggest we appoint women to run all the corporations. (4) Let women preside in our spiritual settings for a change. Let women run the military.
Why not? We’ve buggered the place up royally. You’d think we’d be quiet for a while.
If we want to do anything, I suggest it be to back women up who step forward to lead, to do as males have done since caveman time – protect the women and children for a change, instead of preying on them. Clean up the environment. Restore the planet to pristine condition. There’s much for us men to do.
Let women take their turn at the command positions in our society. Let them make their contribution, steering the ship. Let’s have a world that works for everyone, not just for men.
(1) First base was a kiss. Getting to home base was going all the way.
(2) I spent eight years as a Member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada hearing gender-related refugee claims.
(3) See “Tearful Justin Trudeau apologizes to N.L. residential school survivors,” CBC News, Nov. 24, 2017, at https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/justin-trudeau-labrador-residential-schools-apology-1.4417443. On Newfoundland residential schools and the abuse practiced there by school officials. But Pizzagate, sexual slavery, human trafficking of orphans, and worse crimes I won’t mention.
(4) As affirmative action, the phase in which a more radical adjustment is temporarily made than equality, in order to restore balance.