Credit: Miamiartguide.com
Happy Thanksgiving to our American readers. Good work to all lightworkers!
We give thanks to everyone participating in Ascension.
We lightworkers are like an orchestra. We’re playing a symphony called “Ascension.”
Different lightworkers on different instruments are playing different parts of the music.
Meanwhile, the mood of all the players is rising up and down together. Their coordinated gestures, though different, are bringing it all to a crescendo. (1)
That’s exactly what we’re doing. We lightworkers are creating the music and responding to the music we create. And all of what we do, under the conductor’s sure hand, (2) is moving us towards the crescendo.
I’d like to talk about two aspects of the music at this present moment, if you’d permit me.
What follows may be guesswork, meant to stimulate discussion, but it also works to bring this reality into being.
We create by thought in the higher realms. What we in everyday consciousness think, with strong intent and sacred purpose, is, apparently, created there.
Where we miss the boat is that we don’t often consciously draw that created reality down to us in the lower realms. That’s the missing piece, for me.
Through the use of the universal laws – attraction and repulsion and balance, above and below – we can actually draw that created reality to us. And should be practicing doing so, I imagine.
This is the model of reality unfolding that I’m using.
I see two phases of Ascension going ahead simultaneously at the moment. This is like the music going forward while the pitch is rising.
The pitch rising is our gradual and, from time to time, sudden Ascension. That rising aspect of the music is going on in the background untouched by the events I’m going to describe here.
The Mother’s Tsunami, Porlana C, the Violet Flame/I AM Presence, etc. are causing our moods to elevate and drawing our consciousnesses upwards.
We can allow that simply to unfold, if we wish, only opening to receive it. Or we can participate in studying an praising it and that will be our lightwork and the piece we play in the orchestra.
Then there are two other parts of the Ascension music which concern us.
One is the dismantling of the old and the other is the building of the new.
The dismantling of the old has been going on in the background for years. Evidence has been collected and so on.
I call it “Accountability,” probably after the usage of the Company of Heaven. You can call it the demise of the Illuminati, the fall of the cabal, the dismantling of the old power structure, the release of the children of Israel from out of bondage in Egypt. It matters not what you call it.
It’s the demolition, not of people (and this is important), but of certain disabling ideas, behavior, and their products that have been with us since our earliest history.
Back in 1973-4, working as a cultural historian at the National Museum of Man in Canada, I defined culture as an organization of ideas, manifest in act and artifact though consisting of neither, by which humans understand their environment and take purposeful action.
Culture consists of ideas, which humans then translate into behavior. They then translate behavior into artifacts – tools, instruments, books, paintings, etc.
It’s the culture we’re dismantling, not the bearers of that culture – the culture of violence, sexual predation, and oligarchy. And certain lightworkers in the orchestra are playing that part of the music.
Let these be the percussion instruments – the drums, cymbals, bells, etc. And the cabal is hearing the beat of their distant drums.
The second part of the orchestra can be compared to the stringed instruments.
This second part is building the new. In particular, it’s building Nova Earth. And certain lightworkers are playing this part of the music.
I have to tell you that I am firmly in the second section.
I used to play in the percussions. I sat for eight years as a refugee adjudicator, weeding out torturers and other human-rights abusers from the refugees.
After that I railed against the cabal through OpEdNews and later through this blog. I used to call it “banging on the anvil.” (33)
But that has disappeared for me. In the latest postings on Accountability, I’ve experienced little inner response. Working on it, I was dragging my feet and swimming up current.
But thinking about building Nova Earth? Oh, yah. When do we get started? Well, we start now because I just woke up, once again, to my sacred purpose.
My sacred purpose is to work on building Nova Earth. And I know it because it resonates with me. I hunger to get at it.
I’ve been in a real funk lately and I now see it’s because I was working on something that was not part of my sacred purpose – at least, not any more.
So I’m over here, in the strings, this symphony.
The music the dismantlers of the old are playing is an end to gender and other forms of inequality, an end to violence, an end to immorality, a return to decency. And that’s just the beginning. But it sets the tone.
Another part of the symphony is an end to poverty, world-wide, and to all its results – starvation, thirst, disease, homelessness, etc.
And other pieces just keep flowing as the symphony moves towards crescendo.
If we could see things from a lofty perspective (and I don’t claim to be able to), I imagine it would resemble an intricate dance.
That dance in the past has led to cacophony and disaster. Whole continents fell into the sea. Nations disappeared from the face of the Earth, etc. (4)
But, as I understand it, this time we’re going to get it right and so we can settle back in our seats and simply listen to the celestial music. It’s going to be a magnificent symphony.
(1) Sahaja Samadhi, liberation from this reality of birth and death, or Ascension.
(2) Whoever that conductor is for you. For me, it’s Michael.
(3) If I have it right, New England blacksmiths would bang on the anvil if the redcoats (the British) were sighted.
(4) Like the Hittites.