John Kennedy, 1917-1963
We remember John F. Kennedy, assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963 by a team of CIA, FBI, Secret Service, Office of Naval Intelligence, and military agents.
One of the alleged grassy-knoll shooters (now deceased) later became a five-star general in active service.
A CIA officer on duty that day at the Texas Book Repository was George H.W. Bush, later Director of the CIA and after that President of the United States.
Besides being photographed there (see below), recently-released JFK call records show that he made a call from the Book Repository to the FBI. These photographic and written records establish his presence there and the fact that he was on official CIA business. What was he doing there that day?
None of us ever would have suspected that such a thing as this assassination was possible. It went farther than any of us could conceive of things going.
Why did they kill him? Because he wanted to disclose the presence of extraterrestrials.
Because he wanted to close the Federal Reserve and bring back the gold standard.
Because he opposed many of the activities of the CIA and military, such as false-flag operations, like Operation Northwood.
Matthew Ward explains:
“Fifty years ago the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy shocked the world, but even today very few individuals know that his death had far more than a deeply emotional impact. Eventually the truth will emerge that one of the reasons he was killed was to prevent his abolishing the privately-owned Federal Reserve System and returning the national currency to its dollar status, a move that would have ended the Illuminati’s control of that country’s economy and severely weakened their ability to manipulate the global economy. Half a century later than Kennedy intended, the dismantling of that nefarious system is underway.” (2)
Of the dream they tried to kill, Archangel Michael said:
“He had a dream of peace. … His dream was to see the complete cessation of what was termed the ‘cold war,’ and for the nation to come together in ways that were cooperative to truly engage in the exploration and the welcoming — because he was fully aware of the extraterrestrials, your star brothers and sisters — to fully engage with them.
“Now, was it packaged as a space race, as jobs, as economic growth? Yes, but that was not the kernel of the dream. The dream was a world of peace engaged with your star brothers and sisters in economic freedom for all. That was the gift that he brought.” (3)
On that day in 1963, school closed and we all went home. We didn’t stray from the TV throughout the next day. Most people were in tears, perhaps around the world, Kennedy was that well loved.
The New Frontier would go, and with it the Peace Corps and everything new and good, and the “suits” would return. We couldn’t believe it could happen.
I still weep remembering that heart-breaking day.
The Council of Love says that Kennedy was Lancelot in a former life (hence his emphasis on Camelot). When he returns, it will be as an intergalactic peacekeeper and ambassador, as Michael tells us:
“Now, when he returns, he will return as an interplanetary human being, and he will be very involved in the intergalactic councils for peace, harmony, cooperation and the establishment of intergalactic peace. That is what John Kennedy will return as, once again in male form, a peacekeeper and ambassador.” (4)
(1) Matthew’s Message, November 23, 2013, at https://www.matthewbooks.com.
(2) “Archangel Michael: John F. Kennedy Will Return as an Intergalactic Peacekeeper,” channeled by Linda Dillon, November 21, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/11/archangel-michael-john-kennedy-will-return-as-an-intergalactic-peacekeeper/.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Loc. cit.

George H.W. Bush, outside the Texas School Book Repository, from which the shots were allegedly fired, the day Kennedy was killed