I asked Archangel Gabriel whom we could trust to do something about things like chemtrails and depleted uranium. Her response that we couldn’t afford not to trust merits being read at length.
It struck deeply into me.
“Archangel Gabrielle on the New Golden Grid, the Process of Ascension, and the Advent of Global Prosperity – Part 2/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, August 26, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/archangel-gabrielle-on-the-new-golden-grid-the-process-of-ascension-and-the-advent-of-global-prosperity-part-22/.
Steve Beckow: We’ve been through so much as a collective. We’ve been lied to. We’ve been manipulated. We’ve been impoverished. We have to encounter the fact that our leaders planned to start a nuclear third world war and wipe out a large number of us, and have tried to either incapacitate us or kill us with pandemics — and the same with chemtrails, depleted uranium, etc.
So we’re in a crisis of trust. And how can we exercise the muscle of trust? How can we build that muscle?
Archangel Gabriel: How can you not? How can you not choose — because it’s a choice — how can you not choose to trust? How can you not choose to move forward? Have there been atrocities, intrigues, devastation upon your planet? Yes. And does there still exist these elements? Yes.
We are not asking you — this is important for you to understand; we know that we are in sacred partnership with you, and most of you know that as well — we are not asking you even to trust us, this Council of Love, the Company of Heaven, the unseen realm.
What I am asking of you is to trust yourself.
You know that you are not a liar, a cheat, a dictator, a murderer, a killer, an abuser. You know this of yourself.
And you know that you carry the pattern, the grid of purity, of grace, of innocence, of clarity, because truth, clarity and trust are united.
So do you choose to trust that you have the power, that you claim and use your power to change the human collective? It’s really quite simple. It’s a yes or no. And all of you have fought too long and too hard to say “No, I don’t choose to trust,” or “I don’t choose to trust any longer.”
We are not asking you to trust those who have harmed you. Do you use, from that active observer place, phenomenal discernment about how you engage with others? Of course you do. That’s part of the expanded self.
But you cannot live, not in any sense, in joy if you do not trust yourself. So you say to me, “Gabrielle, how do I proceed, then? All right, I trust myself, but how do I engage with the world?” You engage in the fullness and in the holding of the behaviors, the actions, the thoughts of love.
And when you encounter that which is not of love, then what you do is you send — not engage, not jump into that person’s field — but you send from your heart to theirs, knowing that they are already on your grid, the collective grid, you send them the amplification of love, and it will, and it does, transform them.