I’ve been invoking and studying the universal laws and wanted to know from Archangel Michael if I was using them correctly. His answer is informative.
Thanks to Linda for our reading and Dana for our transcript.
From Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 18, 2017.
Steve Beckow: Is my invocation of universal law having an effect? Am I doing well in that area?
Archangel Michael: No dear heart, it is a waste of time! (Laughing)
Steve: Thank you very much! Goodbye!
AAM: It is good, it is right, it is just, it is balanced that you asked this very question and let us be clear with thee. Is this a sacred undertaking? It is not just a ritual, it is not just an application, and it is not just an invocation.
It is the embodiment (and this is where you are going) of the laws collectively and individually that you are working with. You have come to understand the magnitude and scope of truly embracing these laws and bringing them to the forefront.
In some ways, and we know the difficulty, we don’t fully experience but we know and understand the difficulty of being in a human form and your spiritual quest that you have been on has been profound.
There are moments when you invoke the law or when you talk to others about the law, you think, “this formula, this mechanism, this adherence to the law; perhaps it is too simple. Perhaps it is too complex.”
It is neither. It is the explanation, not only the definition, not only the rule, but the explanation giving, (yes, perhaps in its simplest form, that matters not, we tend to admire “straightforward”) it is given to you so that there is finally that voice screaming in the darkness at night that we hear far too often.
This is how it works. And, beloved one, it does work and when you are invoking the law you are not merely [?] (and I say this in a way of commending thee) you are absolutely on track. You are invoking the law but what you are doing (because you have reached this point) is not simply, “I invoke the law of change,” etc.
You invoke it and you are pulling it down and you are allowing it to enter into the tapestry within and the tapestry without, even into your all of your physical, etc., bodies. It is as if you are wearing that shroud.
So you are proceeding to be the embodiment and this has been part of your journey and is part of your journey and part of the conundrum: It is not the law in and of itself that presents the confusion, nor the lack of clarity. It is the how to. “Am I doing it and am I doing it in the fullness?”
Now I can tell you and reassure you that you are doing it correctly, but that the sense of truly being in alignment and utilizing the laws will grow and this is part of what you are doing. You’ve often asked about conjoint efforts, undertakings, joint missions with Kathleen and this [promoting use of the universal laws] most certainly is one of them.
Steve: And when you say “this,” could I just ask you to be very clear… “This”
AAM: This, the embodiment, the translation, the teaching, the sharing of universal laws.